This message is shown by MeLLo when the help command is sent to a channel:
MeLLo BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
MeLLo help for more information to invite MeLLo to your server
Utility 1
help → shows commands whois member → shows info on member roleinfo role → shows info on role rank role → joins joinable ranks members role → shows members in role cmdinfo command → shows info on the command
ban member reason → bans the specified user softban member reason → kicks specified user, and deletes their messages kick member reason → kicks the specified user warn member reason → warns specified user mute member reason → disables user to be able to type unmute member → allows specified user to type unban member → unbans the specified user purge 1-100 → purges specified amount of messages modlogs member → checks warnings/mod logs for specified user deletelog casenumber → deletes log with specified case number reason casenumber reason → changes reason of specified case number
say message → sends custom message as bot poll message → sends poll esay color message → sends custom embeded message as bot epoll color message → sends embeded poll createrole rolename → creates role with specified name deleterole rolename → deletes role with specified name createchannel channelname → creates channel with specified name deletechannel channelname → deletes channel with specified name clearlogs UserID → clears all logs for specified UserID slowmode amount → sets the channel slowmode addrank rankname → makes a joinable rank delrank rankname → deletes a joinable rank edit messageid message → edits message sent by bot
settings → shows all the configuratable modules rradd MessageID RoleName → sets a rolename someone will accquire when they react to the message rrdelete MessageID → deletes the reaction ability from the message prefix newprefix → changes the prefix to the specified prefix in message
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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of MeLLo by visiting their support server or their website: