Metal Yoshi icon

Metal Yoshi icon

Metal Yoshi Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Metal Yoshi Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Metal Yoshi when the help command is sent to a channel:
Metal Yoshi avatar
Metal Yoshi BOT today at 4:20 PM, check your Direct Messages!~

Metal Yoshi will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Metal Yoshi avatar
Metal Yoshi BOT today at 4:20 PM

Command printout

💾 *Technical Commands*

y!ping - Requests the current ping from the bot
y!help - What you are viewing right now!
y!status - Gets the current system status of the bot
y!invite - Produces an invite code to invite the bot to your server!
y!talk (message) - Sends a message on the current server and channel.
y!avatar @person - Views the avatar of the person specified!
y!prefix (newprefix) - Changes the prefix for Metal Yoshi on the current server. Requires manage_roles
y!glvlup on/off - Allows you to turn level-up notifications on or off for the current server. Requires manage_roles
y!purge <@person> number - Removes a certain number of messages from the channel. Requires manage_messages

🎱 *Fun Commands*

y!roll - Rolls a dice!
y!8ball - Ask the magic 8ball a question!
y!coin - Flip a coin to help make a decision!

👥 *Social Commands*

y!slap @person - Slaps the person specified!
y!hug @person - Hugs the person specified!
y!pet @person - Pets the person specified!
y!kiss @person - Kisses the person specified!
y!ship @person <@person2> - Determines the chance of two people having a good relationship!
y!marry @person - Proposes to the person specified, for 100 coins each!
y!acceptmarriage - Accepts any pending proposals.
y!declinemarriage - Declines any pending proposals.
y!divorce - Divorces your current spose...
y!cry - You begin to cry just thinking about this command...
y!blush - For when the lewd is just too lewd
y!nbc - Nobody caaaares...!
y!r00d - *wow, ok, r00d*
y!lewd - Lewd! That's too lewd! Gaah!
y!thinking - This thinking meme command really makes me think...

🐱 *Animal Commands*

y!cat - Displays a random cat!
y!dog - Displays a random doggo!
y!bird - Displays a random birb!

:frame_photo: *Image Board Commands*

y!e926 (tags) - Displays a random image from e926 for tags specified
y!safebooru (tags) - Displays a random image from safebooru for tags specified
y!e621 (tags) - Displays a random image from e621 for tags specified (NSFW ONLY)
y!rule34 (tags) - Displays a random image from rule34 for tags specified (NSFW ONLY)
y!gelbooru (tags) - Displays a random image from gelbooru for tags specified (NSFW ONLY)
y!xbooru (tags) - Displays a random image from xbooru for tags specified (NSFW ONLY)
y!pokemon (tags) - Displays a cool Pokemon picture
y!neko - Displays a random catgirl!~

🎵 *Music Commands*

y!play <URL> - Plays the YouTube URL specified in the current voice channel
y!skip - Skips the current YouTube video and moves to the next video in the queue
y!stop - Stops the current YouTube video and drops the bot from the voice channel

💰 *Point and Coin Commands*

y!ulvlup on/off - Allows you to turn level-up notifications on or off for you!
y!profile - Displays your profile in this bot!
y!setbio text - Sets the bio text on your profile!
y!points - Prints your current point count
y!level - Prints your current level
y!coins - Prints your current coin count
y!pay quantity @person - Gives the coins specified to the person specified
y!daily - Gives you a daily coin bonus
y!chance ammount - Bet your coins for a chance to recieve double, triple, or quadruple!

🍝 *Pasta Commands*

y!pasta (pastaname) - Views the pasta of the name you specified!
y!createpasta (pastaname) (string) - Creates a pasta of the name you specified!
y!removepasta (pastaname) - Removes a pasta you've created!
y!pastainfo - Gets information about a pasta that has already been created
y!listpasta - Lists all the pastas currently stored by Metal Yoshi!

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Metal Yoshi by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Metal Yoshi

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