This message is shown by Minecraft when the help command is sent to a channel:
Minecraft BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Commands List
md [m/help](See the avalible command) [m/addserver IP Name](Add some server to do ping) [m/delserver Name](Remove some stored server) [m/ping Name](Ping to some server stored with m/addserver) [m/list](See your stored servers) [m/addstaff @rol](Add some rol to allow to access to the command m/addserver and m/delserver) [m/delstaff @rol](Remove a rol added previously) [m/liststaff](See the current roles are allowed to access to the commands m/addserver and m/delstaff) [m/ping IP](Do ping to any IP) [m/names nickname](See the current names and last names of a PREMIUM user. Example: m/names ZxFrankxZ) [m/skin nickname](See the current skin of a PREMIUM user. Example: m/skin ZxFrankxZ) [m/language](Set the language to Spanish, English or French. Default => English) Bot Status