Mitsuri icon

Mitsuri icon

Mitsuri Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 48 bot commands and 61 slash commands for Mitsuri Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Mitsuri when the help command is sent to a channel:
Mitsuri avatar
Mitsuri BOT today at 4:20 PM
🌟 | Important | 🌟

No tienes idioma seleccionado con Mitsuri en este servidor
USA: mi!lang [es]

You have no language selected with Mitsuri on this server
USE: mi!lang [en]

Vous n'avez pas de langue sélectionnée avec Mitsuri sur ce serveur
UTILISE: mi!lang [fr]

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Mitsuri by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
mi!help -
mi!servicon -
mi!serverinfo -
mi!profile -
mi!ping -
mi!vote -
mi!feedback -
mi!partners -
mi!invite -
mi!ran_music -
mi!createinvite -
mi!createinvitedm -
mi!avatar -
mi!bughunter -
mi!tr -
mi!moneda -
mi!dado -
mi!yon -
mi!connect4 -
mi!wallpaper -
mi!wallpaper2 -
mi!ran_wall -
mi!dogo -
mi!neko -
mi!pajaro -
mi!tenor -
mi!ranwaifu -
mi!megumin -
mi!character -
mi!ranneko -
mi!en_meme -
mi!es_meme -
mi!hi -
mi!poke -
mi!kiss -
mi!slap -
mi!cuddle -
mi!hug -
mi!pat -
mi!eat -
mi!play -
mi!pause -
mi!resume -
mi!queue -
mi!stop -
mi!ban -
mi!unban -
mi!kick -
Command Description
/8ball Ask Mitsuri a question
/angry Show your vilest anger
/avatar Send the avatar of the tagged person or your avatar if you don't tag anyone
/baka Call idiot (baka in Japanese) to the tagged user
/bird Send a little bird
/blush If they bring out the colors with beautiful words, blush at ease
/bored You don't know what to do, you feel bored
/bughunter Send a list of our helpers who have contributed ideas and found bugs to improve the bot
/bugrep If you have a problem or have found a bug in Mitsuri send it to us
/character Send a photo of the character you chose!
/coin flip a coin
/commands Show all bot commands
/confused Are you confused…? you don't understand…
/connect4 Ask Mitsuri a question
/cry They have broken your heart... cry as much as you want
/cuddle snuggle up with your friend
/dance To dance! alone or with your friend
/dice You roll a 6-sided dice
/dogo Send a puppy
/en_meme Send a meme in English from reddit
/es_meme Send a meme in Spanish from reddit
/feed If someone is hungry feed them
/feedback Send a github link to report any bugs or suggestions
/happy Explode with happiness
/help Show bot commands
/hi hi to a friend or say hi to all users
/hug Give a hug to your friend
/invite If you want to invite the bot to your server use this command
/kill kill your enemy
/kiss Give some kisses to your friend
/lang Change bot language
/laugh Laugh as much as you want or can!
/megumin megumin
/neko Send a kitten
/partners servers that have supported me from the beginning
/pat Give some pats to your friend
/ping Shows ping between message and message, and Mitsuri ping
/poke Give some lovely pokes to your friend
/prefix Change bot prefix
/profile Send a detailed description to a person from the server or yours if you do not specify person
/ranneko Send a random kawaii neko
/ranwaifu Send a random waifu
/ran_wall Send a random wallpaper
/revive revive your friend
/run Run run they catch you!!
/sad Are you sad?, show your emotions
/servericon Sends the number of pages the doujin has entered
/serverinfo Send a detailed description of the current server
/slap Slaps the tagged user
/sleep Did you fall asleep or… sleep with your friend
/smug show who you are... yeeahh!
/supser Send a description about the official Mitsuri support servery
/tenor Send a random tenor gif of what you want to search
/tickle A friend is sad Well, a good tickle will help him!
/tr Translate a text from one language to another
/vote Send the link to Mitsuri!'S page to vote!
/wallpaper Sends the number of pages the doujin has entered
/wallpaper2 This command is set in case you cannot find a photo with mi!wallpaper command
/we Send detailed weather information in that place
/yon Ask Mitsuri a question

More Information on Mitsuri

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