Mothica icon

Mothica icon

Mothica Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 15 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Mothica Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Mothica when the help command is sent to a channel:
Mothica avatar
Mothica BOT today at 4:20 PM
Command List

Here is the list of commands!
My prefix is <mot>,Example mot<command>
Check detail mothelp <command>

**🎀 Utility**

ascii avatar binary cc cce ccl ccr covid enlarge fact fmsg image ls math ping poll say simj simout ship stealemoji translate urban weather bird cat dog fox kangaroo koala panda racoon

**🔧 Moderation**

ban/unban clear esnipe/snipe kick mute/unmute setaichat setantiads setboost setlogsdelete setlogsedited setticket setleave setwelcome slowmode unwarn warn warning

**🎎 Anime**

anime animava baka cuddle feed hug kiss neko pat poke slap smug tickle waifu setautoanime

**🎨 Fun Chat**

affect awooify beautiful bed bobross cfstonk circle clyde cmm del distract dbstonk f fp hifumi jail kanna lolice magik notstonk pixel presentation rip shit sidewalk stonk trash trigger tweet wanted wasted www

**🎮 Game/Funny**

coinflip dice emojify impo/nimpo joke jumble love meme minesweeper racetype rps tictactoe waterdrop

**🎧 Music**

set24hours filter join leave loop lyric np pause play queue radio resume remove shuffle skip/skipto stop volume

**💵 Economy**

setpesodrop bal daily double give work

📜 Info

bot docs help movie playstore pokemon profile report/suggest server youngest/oldest

Requested by
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Mothica by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
mothica -
motkick -
motmute -
motclear -
motsay -
motavatar -
motprofile -
motpoll -
motimage -
mottrigger -
motcmm -
mottrash -
motwasted -
mothelp -
motreport -
Command Description

More Information on Mothica

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