Nickname Manager icon

Nickname Manager icon

Nickname Manager Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 29 slash commands for Nickname Manager Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Nickname Manager when the help command is sent to a channel:
Nickname Manager avatar
Nickname Manager BOT today at 4:20 PM

Hey there, just a reminder, due to a new Discord policy, Nickname Manager has stopped responding to all text commands except for the >settings command. All other commands are available utilizing our slash commands. We have also made a lot of changes in this version (3.0) such as re-coding the entire database and bot. Unfortunately, all data has been reset and you will have to re-configure the bot using the settings command.

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Nickname Manager by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
>settings -
Command Description
/addreward Add a level reward.
/ban Ban a user.
/case Get the information on an active punishment case.
/clearwarns Clear a user's punishments.
/click Play a game to see how many times you can click a button within a minute.
/guess_my_number Play a game to see if you can guess my random number.
/help Get bot / command help.
/kick Kick a user.
/lock Lock this channel.
/lockdown Lock the entire server utilizing your custom settings.
/moderate Moderate a user's nickname.
/mute Mute a user.
/nick Set a user's nickname.
/ping Ping the bot.
/rank Check your or another user's rank.
/reddit Get a random post from your favorite subreddit.
/removereward Remove a level reward.
/resetlevel Reset a user's level and experience.
/setboost Manage this server's XP rate.
/setlevel Set a user's level.
/slowmode Set a channel's slowmode.
/tempban Tempban a user.
/tempmute Tempmute a user.
/unlock Unlock this channel.
/unlockdown Unlock the entire server utilizing your custom settings.
/unmute Unmute a user.
/voterewards Get a list of rewards we offer everyone who votes for us.
/warn Warn a user.
/warnings Check your or another user's warnings.

More Information on Nickname Manager

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