Obsidion Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 47 slash commands for Obsidion Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
mc?help |
- |
Command | Description |
/account link |
Link minecraft account from discord account. |
/account unlink |
Unlink minecraft account from discord account. |
/achievement |
Create your very own custom Minecraft achievements. |
/avatar |
Renders a Minecraft players face. |
/biome |
Info about a Minecaft biome. |
/block |
Info about a Minecraft block. |
/boosters |
Get the current boosters online. |
/buildidea |
Get an idea for a new build. |
/bust |
Renders a Minecraft players bust. |
/convert chest |
The output of a comparator based on the number of items in a single chest. |
/convert comparator |
Items in a chest based on comparator strength. |
/convert second |
Convert ticks to seconds. |
/convert tick |
Convert seconds to ticks. |
/creeper |
Aw man. |
/effect |
Info about a Minecaft effect. |
/enchant |
Enchant a message. |
/entity |
Info about a Minecraft entity. |
/guild |
Get's guild info by guild name. |
/help |
View help of the bot, cog or command. |
/info |
View info about Obsidion. |
/invite |
Invite the bot to your server. |
/kill |
Kill that pesky friend in a fun and stylish way. |
/licenseinfo |
View info about the bot's license. |
/news |
Latest news from Mojang. |
/ping |
View bot latency. |
/playercount |
Get the current players online. |
/playerfriends |
Get the current friends of a player. |
/playerstatus |
Get the current status of an online player. |
/prefix |
Sets Obsidion's server prefix(es). |
/profile |
View a players Minecraft UUID, Username history and skin. |
/pvp |
Duel someone. |
/render |
Renders a Minecraft players skin in 6 different ways. |
/rps |
Play Rock Paper Shears. |
/seed |
Convert text to minecraft numerical seed. |
/server |
Minecraft server info. |
/serverpe |
Get information from a Minecraft Bedrock server. |
/sign |
Render a Minecraft Sign. |
/skin |
Renders a Minecraft players skin. |
/skull |
Renders a Minecraft players skull. |
/skyblocknews |
Get current news for skyblock. |
/source |
Displays my full source code or for a specific command. |
/status |
Check the status of all the Mojang services. |
/uptime |
View Obsidion's uptime. |
/version |
Latest version info. |
/villager |
Hmm hm hmmm Hm hmmm hmm. |
/watchdogstats |
Get the current watchdog statistics. |
/wiki |
Get an article from the minecraft wiki. |
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,820,000 Servers
9,000,000 Servers