Obsidion icon

Obsidion icon

Obsidion Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 47 slash commands for Obsidion Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Obsidion when the help command is sent to a channel:
Obsidion avatar
Obsidion BOT today at 4:20 PM

account, autopost, locale, prefix, regionalformat, serverlink


help, info, invite, licenseinfo, ping, source, uptime


biome, block, effect, entity


buildidea, creeper, enchant, kill, pvp, rps, villager


boosters, guild, playercount, playerfriends, playerstatus, skyblocknews, watchdog


achievement, avatar, bust, render, sign, skin, skull


news, profile, server, serverpe, status, version, wiki


convert, seed

Use mc?help [command] for more info on a command. You can also use mc?help [category] for more info on a category.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Obsidion by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
mc?help -
Command Description
/account link Link minecraft account from discord account.
/account unlink Unlink minecraft account from discord account.
/achievement Create your very own custom Minecraft achievements.
/avatar Renders a Minecraft players face.
/biome Info about a Minecaft biome.
/block Info about a Minecraft block.
/boosters Get the current boosters online.
/buildidea Get an idea for a new build.
/bust Renders a Minecraft players bust.
/convert chest The output of a comparator based on the number of items in a single chest.
/convert comparator Items in a chest based on comparator strength.
/convert second Convert ticks to seconds.
/convert tick Convert seconds to ticks.
/creeper Aw man.
/effect Info about a Minecaft effect.
/enchant Enchant a message.
/entity Info about a Minecraft entity.
/guild Get's guild info by guild name.
/help View help of the bot, cog or command.
/info View info about Obsidion.
/invite Invite the bot to your server.
/kill Kill that pesky friend in a fun and stylish way.
/licenseinfo View info about the bot's license.
/news Latest news from Mojang.
/ping View bot latency.
/playercount Get the current players online.
/playerfriends Get the current friends of a player.
/playerstatus Get the current status of an online player.
/prefix Sets Obsidion's server prefix(es).
/profile View a players Minecraft UUID, Username history and skin.
/pvp Duel someone.
/render Renders a Minecraft players skin in 6 different ways.
/rps Play Rock Paper Shears.
/seed Convert text to minecraft numerical seed.
/server Minecraft server info.
/serverpe Get information from a Minecraft Bedrock server.
/sign Render a Minecraft Sign.
/skin Renders a Minecraft players skin.
/skull Renders a Minecraft players skull.
/skyblocknews Get current news for skyblock.
/source Displays my full source code or for a specific command.
/status Check the status of all the Mojang services.
/uptime View Obsidion's uptime.
/version Latest version info.
/villager Hmm hm hmmm Hm hmmm hmm.
/watchdogstats Get the current watchdog statistics.
/wiki Get an article from the minecraft wiki.

More Information on Obsidion

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