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Oifey Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 13 slash commands for Oifey Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Oifey when the help command is sent to a channel:
Oifey avatar
Oifey BOT today at 4:20 PM

My name is Oifey, i'm a bot made to show data based on the Fire Emblem games!
All of the commands can also be used via DMs!

My parameter is o!. Type the game's command without anything else after it to see what options are available for them.

Main Games

o!fe16 - Three Houses
o!fe15 - Shadows of Valentia
o!fe14 - Fates
o!fe13 - Awakening
o!fe12 - New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow
o!fe11 - Shadow Dragon
o!fe10 - Radiant Dawn
o!fe9 - Path of Radiance
o!fe8 - Sacred Stones
o!fe7 - Blazing Blade
o!fe6 - Binding Blade
o!fe5 - Thracia 776
o!fe4 - Genealogy of the Holy War
o!fe3 - Mystery of the Emblem
o!fe2 - Gaiden
o!fe1 - Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light

Other Games

o!feh - Heroes
o!art - Shortcut for o!feh art
o!compare - Shortcut for o!feh compare

o!trs - TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga
o!bs - Berwick Saga

o!bsfe - Archanea War Chronicles
o!tlp - The Last Promise
o!pe - Project Ember
o!4k - Four Kings
o!vq - Vision Quest


If you spot any data mistake like a wrong base stat or growth, or a command acting weird, I ask you to please report it in the support server. The invite for it can be found using o!invite.
More games and more features for them are slowly getting added.
Hope I can be useful to you!

Want to support the bot and get the ability to add custom aliases? Check o!donate!
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Oifey by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
o!help -
Command Description
/archanea Picks a random character from Archanea.
/askr Picks a random playable character that originated from Heroes.
/elibe Picks a random character from Elibe.
/fateslandia Picks a random character from Fates.
/fodlan Picks a random character from Fodlan.
/jugdral Picks a random character from Jugdral.
/magvel Picks a random character from Magvel.
/random Picks a random character from the main games or Heroes.
/saga Picks a random character from the Saga games.
/tellius Picks a random character from Tellius.
/tokyo Picks a random character from TMS#FE.
/valentia Picks a random character from Valentia.
/ylisse Picks a random character from Ylisse.

More Information on Oifey

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