Peter! Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 37 slash commands for Peter! Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/247 |
Toggle 24/7. |
/activity |
Start a voice channel activity. |
/avatar |
Get your avatar, or someone else's. |
/botinfo |
Gets information about the bot. |
/clear |
Clears the queue. |
/cointoss |
Tosses a coin, and returns heads or tails. |
/debug |
Used to easily troubleshoot common issues. |
/help |
Get help using the bot. |
/invite |
Gets the bot's invite link. |
/leave |
Disconnect the bot from the voice channel and destroy the queue. |
/loop |
Modify the looping behavior. |
/nowplaying |
Get the current music playing. |
/pause |
Pause the music. |
/ping |
Gets the bot's ping. |
/play |
Plays a specified song or video, or adds it to the queue. |
/previous |
Skip to the previous song. |
/queue |
Get the current queue. |
/remove |
Remove a song from the queue. |
/replay |
Seek to the beginning of the song. |
/resume |
Resume the music. |
/seek |
Seek to a position in the song. |
/serverconfig dj |
DJ Config. Information will be shown if a value isn't specified. |
/serverinfo |
Get information about the server. |
/sfx bassboost |
Bassboost the music. |
/sfx clear |
Clear all SFX. |
/sfx list |
List all SFX. |
/sfx pitch |
Set the pitch of the music. |
/sfx rotation |
Adds rotation (Audio panning) to the music. |
/sfx speed |
Set the speed of the music. |
/sfx treble |
Boost the music's treble. |
/sfx tremolo |
Add a tremolo effect to the music. |
/sfx vibrato |
Add a vibrato effect to the music. |
/sfx volume |
Set the volume of the music. |
/shuffle |
Shuffles the queue, then plays the first track. |
/skip |
Skip to the next song, or to a specified song. |
/stop |
Stop the music. |
/vote |
Gets the bot's vote link. |
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9,100,000 Servers
A music bot to complete all your music needs . Supports YouTube, Spotify & SoundCloud. ...