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Pher icon

Pher Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Pher Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Pher when the help command is sent to a channel:
Pher avatar
Pher BOT today at 4:20 PM


start - Starts the user's adventure
tip - Enable/Disable Tip message when exploring
move - Moves to a different map
mapid - Displays a list of all available maps the user can move to
explore - Engage in a battle with monsters in that map
boss - Toggle Boss encounters On/Off
inventory - Check what items the user has
character - Changes the character displayed on the equipment page
info - See the list of information about the user
use - Uses an item
enchant - Enchant a piece of gear to increase its stats
skill (#) - Uses a unique skill for your class.
skill info - View all unlocked skills as well as the level.
rest - Restores the user's HP to full health after a period of time
equipment - Shows all of the user's current equips
infuse - Strengthen your equipment using cores
totem - Checks your Boss Totem which can be obtained after killing an individual boss 100 times
redeem - Redeem a Boss Totem here
daily - Collect a daily amount of gold
weekly - Collect a weekly amount of gold (Supporters only)
vault - Displays how much you have in your bank
withdraw - Withdraws an amount from the bank
deposit - Deposits an amount to the bank
fame - Fames a mentioned user
defame - Defames a mentioned user
shop - Opens up a shop category
pay - Pay a mentioned user
leaderboard - View the Top 20 players in the server. Must have a parameter
debug - If you're stuck in a battle, use this. Battles being stuck will be fixed in a future update
rafril - Redeem your Pirate Coins and Ancient Coins for EXP!
beg - Beg for gold in Woody-Weedy Village!

event - Shows what current event is going on
blessing - Gain a temporary buff
starter - Claim your Starter Pack!
lvl5, lvl10, lvl15, lvl20, lvl25, lvl30 - Claim your Level Pack up until Level 30!

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Pher by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

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