Welcome Message Preview

As soon as you invite PogBot to your channel, it will send the following message:
PogBot avatar
PogBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
Thank you for inviting me! PogBot Emoji

Warning! This commands list might not be up to date! If you'd like a commands list thats up to date, click here!

> ⚙️ Base Commands

pb bug - Displays bugs with this current PogBot version
pb version - Displays the PogBot version
pb info - Displays someone's info.
pb serverinfo - Info about the server.
pb stats - Info about PogBot

> ❕ Fun Commands

pb joke - Says the funniest freaking jokes ever
pb meme - hehe its meme time
pb 8ball - Ask Mr 8 Ball a question
pb askpog - ask ME a question
pb coinflip - flip a coin
pb pograte - lets find out your pogcent
pb snipe - Embarass the hell outta someone
pb weather - Finds weather in the world
pb blowup - gobert made me, im sorry

> 🔑 Admin Commands

pb clear - Clears 1 - 100 messages
pb kick - Kicks a member from the server
pb ban - Bans a member from the server

> 🎓 Math Commands

pb add - Adds 2 numbers
pb subtract - Subtracts 2 numbers
pb multiply - Multiply 2 numbers
pb divide - Divide 2 numbers

> :coin: Economy Commands (Alpha)

pb addbalance - Adds a certain number of money to a user
pb balance - Shows a users balance
pb store - Buy something!
pb daily - Claim your daily reward
pb deposit - Lock your money in the bank and keep it safe!
pb inventory - View your inventory
pb pay - Pay someone money
pb rob - Rob a user!
pb weekly - Claim your weekly reward
pb withdraw - Get some money in your purse
pb work - Get some easy bucks
pb reset - Resets all your progress!

Wanna report a problem? Visit contact.pogbot.co for more help.
When inviting PogBot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
PogBot avatar
PogBot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Warning! This commands list might not be up to date! If you'd like a commands list thats up to date, click here!

> ⚙️ Base Commands

pb bug - Displays bugs with this current PogBot version
pb version - Displays the PogBot version
pb info - Displays someone's info.
pb serverinfo - Info about the server.
pb stats - Info about PogBot

> ❕ Fun Commands

pb joke - Says the funniest freaking jokes ever
pb meme - hehe its meme time
pb 8ball - Ask Mr 8 Ball a question
pb askpog - ask ME a question
pb coinflip - flip a coin
pb pograte - lets find out your pogcent
pb snipe - Embarass the hell outta someone
pb weather - Finds weather in the world
pb blowup - gobert made me, im sorry

> 🔑 Admin Commands

pb clear - Clears 1 - 100 messages
pb kick - Kicks a member from the server
pb ban - Bans a member from the server

> 🎓 Math Commands

pb add - Adds 2 numbers
pb subtract - Subtracts 2 numbers
pb multiply - Multiply 2 numbers
pb divide - Divide 2 numbers

> :coin: Economy Commands (Alpha)

pb addbalance - Adds a certain number of money to a user
pb balance - Shows a users balance
pb store - Buy something!
pb daily - Claim your daily reward
pb deposit - Lock your money in the bank and keep it safe!
pb inventory - View your inventory
pb pay - Pay someone money
pb rob - Rob a user!
pb weekly - Claim your weekly reward
pb withdraw - Get some money in your purse
pb work - Get some easy bucks
pb reset - Resets all your progress!

Wanna report a problem? Visit contact.pogbot.co for more help.

Bot Status

PogBot's current status is online
Last checked (2023-07-28 11:10:04 UTC)
The bot was online (2023-07-28 10:50:03 UTC).

Usage Statistics


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