To run a command in My Server, use pr$ command
or @PromoBot#7792 command
. For example, pr$ prefix
or @PromoBot#7792 prefix
To run a command in this DM, simply use command
with no prefix.
Use help <command>
to view detailed information about a specific command.
Use help all
to view a list of all commands, not just available ones.
Available commands in My Server
Info commands
categories: Prints all currently valid categories
changelog: Embed that shows bot's updates and news
info: Embed that shows bot's commands and basic usage
addme: Sends an invite link to add the bot
myvote: Sends info about user's last vote
permissions: Why does PromoBot require these permissions?
privacy: Promobot Privacy Policy
thisserver: Prints out info about current server
vote: Sends an invite link to vote for the bot on
Setup commands
category: Sets up category of current server
channel: Sets up the self promo channel of this server
invite: Sets up the invite to promote
message: Setups the self promo message of this server.
setup: Setups the bot on the server
Promotion commands
promo: Promotes this server in all servers in the same category. You can only use this command every 6 hours (may be changed in the future)
Reporting commands
report: If you find one's promotion message unacceptable, use this command to report the server. Server ID can be found below every promo message
groups: Lists all command groups.
enable: Enables a command or command group.
disable: Disables a command or command group.
help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
ping: Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server.