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RaidBot icon

RaidBot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Raid Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by RaidBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
RaidBot avatar
RaidBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
Results sent to DM: check your DM's or click here

RaidBot will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
RaidBot avatar
RaidBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
Hey there, here is a list of my commands:

boss: Returns information for the given boss. usage: -boss sorath
bot: Gives some bots stats. usage: -bot, -bot 24h
buffs: Returns a buff/debuff description(s) usage: -buffs <buff name> or -buffs increase def
claim: Collect your daily token chest. usage: -claim
clear: Clears bot messages. usage: -clear <x>
collection: Check your champion collection you have gained from using the summon command. usage: -collection
guide: Returns champions guides for early, mid, and late game players. usage: -guide <champion name> or -guide
guidelist: Returns list of guides. usage: -guideList
help: This command will return a list all commands available. usage: -help, -help <command name>
info: Return index information for the given champion. usage: -info kael
installraidsl: Install link for R:SL. usage: -installRaidSL
invite: Invite RaidBot to help you lookup Raid:SL character info and much more! usage: -invite
leaderboard: Leaderboard for guide submission. usage: -leaderboard
lore: Shows game lore. usage: -lore
skills: Return only skills (A1, A2...) information for the given champion. usage: -skills <champion name>
stats: Returns only stats (HP,ATK...) for the given champion. usage: -stats <champion name>
summon: Summon an amount of shards of any type as long as you have the tokens. usage: -summon <shard type> <number to summon>
support: Returns the support server invite. usage: -support

Note: Adding show to most commands will make them appear in the chat rather than send you a DM.

Need more help? Try -help <command name> for more help:

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of RaidBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on RaidBot

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