This message is shown by RandomTeamGenerator when the help command is sent to a channel:
RandomTeamGenerator BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Use the ! prefix to call the bot and then the specific command you want.
Command List
Use !help <commandname> for details.
Argument List
Use !help args for details.
Game System
>>> !active : See active games, setups and queue in your server. !end : End a game. !game : Create a game. !queue : Create a queue for a game. !setup : Setup a voice channel to be linked to other voice channels so that members are autodraged to them. !team : create or delete teams
Games - Game System
>>> !bocw : Create a game with a random Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War map. !codm : Create a game with a random cod: Mobile map. !csgo : Create a game with a random Counter Strike: Global Offensive map. !d2 : Create a game with a random Destiny 2 map. !lol : Create a game with League of Legends roles. !mw : Create a game with a random cod:mw map. !mw2 : Create a game with a random cod:mw2 map. !ow : Create a game with a random Overwatch map and roles. !r6s : Create a game with a random Rainbow Six Siege map. !rl : Create a game with a random Rocket League map. !so2 : Create a game with a random Standoff 2 map. !swtor : Create a game with Star Wars: The Old Republic roles. !val : Create a game with a random Valorant map.
>>> !delete : Delete server data from the database. !help : Displays all the available commands for you. !mylevel : Displays your permission level for your location. !ping : Latency and API response times. !prefix : See or change prefix. !premium : Check this server premium status. !set : View or change settings for your server.