RDO Compendium icon

RDO Compendium icon

RDO Compendium Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 10 bot commands and 0 slash commands for RDO Compendium Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by RDO Compendium when the help command is sent to a channel:
RDO Compendium avatar
RDO Compendium BOT today at 4:20 PM

Use !help <command> for more details about a certain command. You can also use most of these commands by sending a private message to the bot. For more information, check out the Basics and Settings guides.


!cycles: Find today's Collectible cycles.
!daily: Displays today's Daily Challenges.
!events: Displays the next Free Roam Event and when it'll start.
!find: Find and get information about anything in the bot's Compendium.
!list: Sends you a private message Compendium items based on a category.
!nazar: Find Madam Nazar's location.
!rank: Displays the unlocks for certain ranks.
!time: Displays different times and timers relevant to different aspects of the game.
!trader: Get the time left for your Trader goods to finish processing, along with other information.
!weekly: Find this week's Weekly Collectible Request.


You can set the default language of the bot for your guild by using !settings set language <language> if you manage that guild. To change the language of the bot to a different language for just one command, use any of the following commands corresponding to the language you want: !de, !en, !es, !esmx, !fr, !it, !ja, !ko, !pl, !ptbr, !ru, !tr, !zhs, !zht.


!credits: Displays the different people that helped create this bot.
!feedback: Send a feedback message to the bot's developers.
!help: Displays all the available commands.
!links: Displays different links to various useful community resources.
!premium: Displays different links to support the bot and its owner.


!audio: Sends a random audio clip from the game.
!dailyimage: Generates the list of dailies in image format.
!loading: Sends a random loading screen from the game.
!location: Generates an RDO-styled location card.
!nazarimage: Generates the position of Madam Nazar in format.
!title: Generates an RDO-styled title.
!toast: Generates an RDO-styled toast.
!weeklyimage: Generates this week's Weekly Collectible Request in image format.


!benefits: Retrieves the latest in-game benefits from Rockstar's Social Club.
!last: Displays the amount of days passed since the last update.
!news: Retrieves the latest news from Rockstar Newswire.
!status: Displays the current Service Status from Rockstar Support.
!updates: Retrieves the latest game updates from Rockstar Support.


!settings: View or change settings for your guild.

Your permission level is Guild Owner. To support the bot, use the !donate command. To see who made the bot, use the !credits command.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of RDO Compendium by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
!help -
!find -
!list -
!nazar -
!credits -
!donate -
!level -
!ping -
!settings -
!stats -
Command Description

More Information on RDO Compendium

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