rikka-bot icon

rikka-bot icon

rikka-bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 47 bot commands and 0 slash commands for rikka Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by rikka-bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
rikka-bot avatar
rikka-bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

8ball Gets a message from the eight-ball.
kekw Posts a healthy bit of cringe.
roll Rolls the specified dice.
color Set your color role.
fight Fights a user and rewards points to the winner.
give Give points to another player via mention
inv displays a users inventory
leaderboard Gets the leaderboard.
score Gets the amount of money you have.
shop displays shop and allows user to buy items
codeformat Explains how to format code in Discord.
donate Returns the Patreon donation link.
hello Says hello to the user.
info Sends the user information about the bot.
latency Returns the latency of the bot.
vote Returns the dbl vote link.
mal Looks up an anime on MAL.
iam Assigns you to the specified role.
iamlist Lists the assignable roles.
iamnot Unassigns you from the specified role.
answer Answer a trivia question.
ask Ask a trivia question.
hint Give a hint to the answer to a trivia question.
reveal Reveal the answer to a trivia question.
quickvote Generates a poll for the specified argument.
rate Rates the argument out of 10.
sayd Allows the user to send an anonymous message.
wolfimg Sends an image result from Wolfram.
wolfram Sends a text response from Wolfram.

​No Category:
help Shows this message

Type ;help command for more info on a command.
You can also type ;help category for more info on a category.

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of rikka-bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
;help -
;info -
;paypal -
;vote -
;clever -
;gizoogle -
;translate -
;suggest -
;quickvote -
;sayd -
;wolfram -
;prefix -
;clear -
;mute -
;unmute -
;kick -
;ban -
;add -
;subtract -
;iamlist -
;assign -
;iam -
;iamnot -
;colors -
;color -
;trivia -
;score -
;collect -
;leaderboard -
;give -
;insult -
;ramsay -
;gay -
;rate -
;ping -
;beemovie -
;xkcd -
;hello -
;hugme -
;hug -
;ask -
;a -
;reveal -
;roll -
;flip -
;raffle -
;board -
Command Description

More Information on rikka-bot

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