Rin icon

Rin icon

Rin Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 1 slash commands for Rin Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Rin when the help command is sent to a channel:
Rin avatar
Rin BOT today at 4:20 PM
Command List (Page 1)

To run a command, use r. <command> or @Rin#6402 <command>.
Use in an NSFW channel to see NSFW commands.

❯ Music Commands Group

create-playlist remove-from-playlist delete-playlist filter leave loop loopqueue nowplaying pause play playlists queue remove resume save-to-playlist show-playlist shuffle skip skipall skipto volume

❯ Info Commands Group

avatar emoji-image emoji emoji-list role server user

❯ Fun Commands Group

8ball ai akinator anime-airing apod approved baka blush bully changemymind cry cuddle feed fish-eye gun hands hangman holoimg hug kiss mathquiz memory neko pat poke qoute roulette simp slap slots tic-tac-toe tickle triggered typing-test will-you-press-the-button you-died vietnam-flashbacks

❯ Moderator Commands Group

ban clear kick mute nsfw-check removerole setrole slowmode unban unmute

❯ Search Commands Group

char anime ascii2d avatar-img mdn npm osu reddit sauce wallpaper what-anime wikipedia wolfram youtube periodic-table

❯ Text Commands group

base64 binary embed md5 morse owo reverse say sha-256 translate ascii

❯ Economy Commands Group

balance blackjack unscramble

❯ Commands

groups enable disable

❯ Utility

prefix blur catbox chemical-equations circle colorizer convert-image count-character create-qr-code days-since days-until help imgur info invite math ping qr-code report resize screenshot shortlink snipe subtitle tts units waifu2x

155 Commands (134 Shown)
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Rin by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
r.help -
Command Description
/ping Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server.

More Information on Rin

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