This message is shown by SafetyAtLast™ when the help command is sent to a channel:
SafetyAtLast™ BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
\&Link Displays all commands related to link moderation \&Permissions Presents the commands related to letting your server mods and admins interact with the bot \&Warn Displays the settings associated with how many warnings a user can get and what actions to perform when a user gets so many \&Mute Presents all the mute settings and commands \&Moderation Presents all moderation commands \&AutoMod Presents all the automod commands \&EventMessages Presents all the eventmessages commands Variables: usernamediscriminatormentionservernamechannelmentionchannelname \&Filter Displays commands allowing you to filter phrases/invites on your server \&Logging Logs ¯_(ツ)_/¯ \&Utility Useful commands \&Other Miscellaneous commands: Inviting the bot, support...
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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of SafetyAtLast™ by visiting their support server or their website: