SaltBot icon

SaltBot icon


0 reviews | 6,190 servers
Default Prefix: -
Command Description
-purpose -
-image -
-fight -
... -

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting SaltBot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
SaltBot avatar
SaltBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
Fun drake2 Emoji

-fight <user> [user] Defeat someone in an epic battle!
-bottleflip Try to hit an epic bottleflip!
-opinion [question] Ask for my opinion on something. Mixed results.
-spinner [color] Spins a fidget spinner. Epic, right?
-spinnerduel <user> Challenges someone to a fidget spinner duel.
-heal <user> Heals someone
-anime Get a list of anime/hentai commands. 🔞

Image editing 🖼

-expert [user] Make someone the expert!
-helltaker <text> Helltaker states his (or your) opinion
-natsuki <goodimg> <badimg> Natsuki approves
-dangofy <img> Make some dangos!
-betrayal <img> Top 10 anime betrayals
-plottwist <img> Top 10 craziest anime plot twists
-gone <text> 🦀SOMETHING IS GONE🦀
-death <img> Top 10 anime deaths
-powerful <img> Damn, that thing is powerful

Utility 🛠

-avatar [user] Get someones avatar
-invite Gets an invite link to invite " + config.botname + " to a server
-joindate [user] Gets the date when you (or someone else) joined discord
-uptime Shows time since the last restart
-stats Shows botstats
-coinflip Flips a coin
-num [max] Generates a random number between 0-100

Reactions drake2 Emoji

-approve Approve the message above.
-hot Ahh. That’s hot, that’s hot.
-sad This is so sad.
-kanye When something is very cool!
-reverse Sends a reverse card with a random color.
-victory Achieves that W!
-salt Gives you information about salt
-no <anime/kpop/hentai/fortnite> Forbid something
-neko (*^ω^*)

Bot Status

SaltBot's current status is online
Last checked (2023-02-26 16:35:22 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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