This message is shown by SchoolUtilities when the help command is sent to a channel:
SchoolUtilities BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
SchoolUtilities Help
Hi, I'm SchoolUtilites help. If you have any questions how to use SchoolUtilities, you are absolutly right here. If you have any issues, you can contact us via Github.
Calculation Command
```You can calulate calculations easily in discord.
Example: .calc 1+1
Extra Information: Square Root: sqrt(x)```
Check Command
```This command is only usable with a teacher role. In case you are a teacher you can check the precense of your students with this command.
Example: .check, .check 1 <-- Time how long students have to confirm their precense.```
Translate Command
```You can simply translate single words or entire sentences to the language you wish.
Example: .translate de Hello, my name is SchoolUtilities```
Concig Command (ADMIN ONLY and only if you know what you are doing)
```Set your student role Example: .config student StudentRole
Set your teacher role Example: .config teacher TeacherRole
Set your timezone Example: .config timezone GMT+2
Set your language Example: .config language German
Set your checktime The checktime is the time how long students have time to confirm their precense if there is now time give. Example: .config checktime 2
Enable your autochecks Further information about this in the timetable tab. Example: .config autocheck enable, .config autocheck disable ```
Timetable command
```You can configurate your personal timetable. It allows you to activate automated precense checks and it will send a message when the class starts.
Add a class Example: .config timetable add Mo 8:00 8:50 #MathsChannel Maths
Remove a class Example: .config timetable remove Mo 8:00 8:50 #MathsChannel Maths
Clear the timetable Example: .config timetable clear
Print the timetable Example: .timetable print```
Extra information
If you experience any issues feel free to create an issue on Github, if you dont not know how to create an issues read the ReadMe there will be an explanation how to create an issues.