Tells the bot who your character is. his allows you to use other commands without providing character parameters. If the server has configured it, you may also receive roles depending on your Datacenter, World & Achievements.
Claim ownership of your FFXIV character. This will prevent any other user from saving it.
Displays your own saved character information including portrait, name, title, world, free company, classes & more.
?whois @User
?whois World Forename Surname
Displays character information including portrait, name, title, world, free company, classes & more.
?portrait @User
?portrait World Forename Surname
Displays a character portrait image. If you don't provide a Discord user or character parameters, your own saved character will be used.
Use "?help command" for more info on a command.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Ser Aymeric by visiting their support server or their website: