Shero icon

Shero icon

Shero Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 4 bot commands and 35 slash commands for Shero Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Shero when the help command is sent to a channel:
Shero avatar
Shero BOT today at 4:20 PM
Help Menu

my prefix is D. If you need any help or have a suggestion/bug join my support server.


items, sell, buy, store, offer


roll ,choose, flip, pp


ping ,stats, report, uptime, support


tax, calc, prefix, partnership, reminders

help command requested by
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Shero by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Discord -
Dank -
DankMemer -
DM -
Command Description
/addemoji adds an emoji to a server
/addrole add a role to a user
/ban bans a user in this guild!
/bankcalc Estimates dankmemer bank space
/botinfo a bot info command what else you expect huh
/channelock locks a channel for a user
/channeunlock unlocks a channel for a user
/choose Shero will pick something for you
/coinflip flip a coin
/createrole creates a role with basic permissions
/deleteemoji delete a emoji from a server
/deleterole creates a role with basic permissions
/editsnipe snipe a edited message
/emojiinfo know details of any emoji
/emojis list all emojis in a guild
/enlarge enlarge any emoji
/firstmessage Provide a link to the first message in current or provided channel.
/hackban bans a user who is not in this guild
/help Shows help for the Bot!
/kick kicks a user from this guild!
/lock locks a channel for a role if no role is provided locks for everyonse
/mute mutes a member
/ping displays bot latency
/pp pls pp but excellent
/remindme manage reminders with shero
/roleinfo displays a role information
/roll let the bot choose a random number
/serverinfo displays server information
/snipe snipe a deleted message
/suggest pass a bot suggestion to developers
/support displays link to bot support server
/taxcalc calculate dankmemer tax
/unlock unlocks a channel for a role if no role is provided locks for everyone
/uptime displays bots uptime information
/userinfo displays a user information

More Information on Shero

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