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ShinyBot icon

ShinyBot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Shiny Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by ShinyBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
ShinyBot avatar
ShinyBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
ShinyBot commands

Get some basic information of the bot.


A list of any and all possible base commands.

-error <explanation>

If there is an error please use this command and explain what is wrong.

-shiny <pokémon> or -shiny <national pokédex number>

Get some info relevant to shiny hunting of a specific pokémon. WARNING: IF THE MON HAS A SPACE IN THE NAME DON'T PUT IT IN THERE (for instance: Type: Null would be Type:Null).
Also, Nidoran is NidoranF and NidoranM and Urshifu is UrshifuRS or UrshifuSS.


Get a random pokémon

-random <region>

Get a random pokémon from the requested regional pokédex. The available commands are: kanto, johto, hoenn, hoenn-oras, sinnoh, sinnoh-plat, unova, unova-b2w2, kalos, alola, alola-usum, galar and galar-dlc

-random <type>

Get a random pokémon with the type requested

-random <region> <type>

Get a random pokémon from this specific regional pokédex with the type requested

-mega random, -mega <pokémon> or -mega <national pokédex number>

Get the mega version of a pokémon if it exists. WARNING: CHARIZARD AND MEWTWO HAVE AN X AND Y VERSION SO FOR THOSE TWO YOU WILL HAVE TO PUT X OR Y BEHIND THE NAME. (For example: MewtwoY or CharizardY).
For a random mega use -mega random

-galarian random, -galarian <pokémon> or -galarian <national pokédex number>

Get the Galarian version of a pokémon if it exists.

-alolan random, -alolan <pokémon> or -alolan <national pokédex number>

Get the Alolan version of a pokémon if it exists.

-gigamax random, -gigamax <pokémon> or -gigamax <national pokédex number>

Get the gigantamax version of a pokémon if it exists. WARNING: URSHIFU HAS TWO DIFFERENT FORMS SO FORE THOSE YOU WILL HAVE TO PUT IN SS OR SR BEHIND THE NAME. (For example UrshifuRS or UrshifuSS).


Get an invite link so you can invite the bot to your own server.


The ShinyBot now also has a website. Go to to see it.

Made by Goose, also know as GooseIsLord. You can find me almost everywhere with those aliases.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of ShinyBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on ShinyBot

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