Siri Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 118 slash commands for Siri Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/about |
Display info about this bot |
/addemote |
Add an emote using an image/emote |
/alwayson |
Prevent bot from leaving inactive voice channels |
/avatar |
Display a user's avatar |
/ban |
Ban a user from this server |
/case delete |
Delete a moderative case |
/case edit |
Edit a moderative case |
/case view |
Display details about a specific case |
/channel hide |
Prevent users from viewing a channel |
/channel lock |
Prevent users from speaking in a channel |
/channel slowmode |
Set the slowmode of a channel |
/channel unhide |
Allow users to view a channel |
/channel unlock |
Allow users to speak in a channel |
/clearqueue |
Clear the music queue |
/config autorole add |
Add an autorole |
/config autorole list |
List all roles given upon joining |
/config autorole remove |
Remove an autorole |
/config leavemessage disable |
Disable disable messages |
/config leavemessage enable |
Enable disable messages |
/config leavemessage set |
Set the message upon leaving |
/config memberlog reset |
Clear the current member log |
/config memberlog set |
Set the new member log channel |
/config messagelog reset |
Clear the current message log |
/config messagelog set |
Set the new message log channel |
/config modlog reset |
Clear the current mod log |
/config modlog set |
Set the new mod log channel |
/config modrole add |
Add a server mod role |
/config modrole list |
List all server mod roles |
/config modrole remove |
Remove a server mod role |
/config permissions add |
Allow a role to use the provided command |
/config permissions display |
Display permission overwrites for the provided command |
/config permissions remove |
Remove a permission overwrite from a command |
/config prefix |
Set a new server prefix for the bot |
/config rolestate blacklist |
Manage blacklisted roles from automatic role state |
/config rolestate clear |
Clear a user's saved roles |
/config rolestate disable |
Disable automatic role state |
/config rolestate enable |
Enable automatic role state |
/config suggestionlog reset |
Clear the current suggestion log |
/config suggestionlog set |
Set the new suggestion log channel |
/config supportrole add |
Add a server support role |
/config supportrole list |
List all server support roles |
/config supportrole remove |
Remove a server support role |
/config welcomemessage disable |
Disable welcome messages |
/config welcomemessage enable |
Enable welcome messages |
/config welcomemessage set |
Set the message upon joining |
/covid |
Display COVID-19 statistics |
/define |
Display a word's definition |
/docs |
Searche Discord.js documentation |
/eval |
Evaluate javascript code |
/forcestop |
Kill the bot process |
/help |
Display a help menu for commands |
/history clear |
Clear a user's moderative history |
/history view |
Display a user's moderative history |
/kick |
Kick a user from this server |
/loop |
Toggle music loop |
/mdn |
Searche MDN documentation |
/mute |
Prevent a user from speaking |
/nowplaying |
Display the current song |
/npm |
Display info on an npm package |
/pause |
Pause the music |
/ping |
Check if the bot is responding |
/play |
Add a song to the queue |
/playlist delete |
Toggle music loop |
/playlist list |
List all of your playlists |
/playlist load |
Load a playlist |
/playlist save |
Create a new playlist |
/poll |
Create an embedded poll |
/purge |
Bulk delete messages |
/queue |
Display the music queue |
/reactionrole |
Create a reaction role menu |
/reload |
Reload the bot |
/remove |
Remove a song from the queue |
/restart |
Restart the bot |
/resume |
Resume the music |
/role add |
Add a role to a user |
/role create |
Create a server role |
/role delete |
Delete a server role |
/role remove |
Remove a role from a user |
/roleinfo |
Display info about a role |
/rolemenu |
Create a role menu using dropdowns |
/roleselector |
Create a role selector using buttons |
/seek |
Seek an amount into the song |
/serverinfo |
Display info about this server |
/shell |
Execute shell commands |
/shuffle |
Shuffle the music queue |
/skip |
Skip the current song |
/softban |
Kick a user & purge recent messages |
/stats |
Display stats about the bot |
/stop |
Stop the music and clears the queue |
/sudo |
Force someone to say something with webhooks |
/suggest |
Send a server suggestion |
/tag alias add |
Add an alias to a tag |
/tag alias remove |
Remove an alias from a tag |
/tag create |
Create a tag |
/tag delete |
Delete a tag |
/tag display |
Display a tag in chat |
/tag edit |
Edit a tag |
/tag export |
Download all tags |
/tag import |
Import tags from another file |
/tag info |
Display info about a tag |
/tag list |
Display a list of all tags |
/tag purge |
Delete all tags |
/tag search |
Searche for a tag |
/tag source |
Display the source text of a tag |
/ticket adduser |
Add a user to this ticket |
/ticket close |
Close this ticket |
/ticket delete |
Delete this ticket |
/ticket deleteall |
Delete all closed tickets |
/ticket new |
Create a new ticket |
/ticket panel |
Create a ticket panel |
/ticket removeuser |
Remove a user from this ticket |
/ticket toggleping |
Toggle role pings when a ticket is created |
/unban |
Unban a user from this server |
/unmute |
Allow a user to speak |
/userinfo |
Display info about a user |
/volume |
Set the music volume |
/warn |
Warn a user |
/weather |
Display weather info in a location |
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