SlashBot icon

SlashBot icon

SlashBot Commands

Currently we have 31 bot commands and 38 slash commands for Slash Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

Sadly, we don't have any help message previews for SlashBot, yet. Feel free to help us keeping the content up-to-date.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of SlashBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
/embed -
/addgrouprole -
/setusage -
/avatar -
/addbuttonrole -
/addembed -
/addgrouproles -
/ban -
/buttonrole -
/buttonroles -
/edit -
/emoji -
/google -
/grouproles -
/help -
/info -
/kick -
/poll -
/purge -
/refreshdata -
/removebuttons -
/removeembed -
/rockpaperscissors -
/slowmode -
/text -
/tictactoe -
/transfer -
/unban -
/warn -
/whois -
/wikipedia -
Command Description
/activities Creates an invite for an activity in a voice channel
/addbuttonrole Adds a single buttonrole to an already existing message
/adddropdownroles Adds DropdownRoles to an already existing message
/addembed Adds an embed to an already existing message
/assets Shows a users assets
/ban Bans a member
/buttonrole Sets up a single buttonrole
/buttonrolesetup Opens a bulk setup for setting up ButtonRoles
/commands Shows information about a command
/copymessage Copies a message sent by somebody else
/dropdownroles Sets up a dropdown grouprole
/dropdownsetup Opens a bulk setup for setting up DropdownRoles
/edit Edits an embed for you
/editdropdownroles Edits a dropdownroles options
/embed Creates an embed for you
/emoji Shows information to an emoji
/functionbutton Shows information to the bot
/google Creates a google link for you
/help Shows help for the bot
/info Shows information to the bot
/kick Kicks a member
/linkbutton Shows information to the bot
/messageinfo Shows information about my message
/movecomponents Moves/swaps components on a message sent by me
/poll Creates a poll embed and adds up and downvote emojis
/purge Purges up to 100 messages
/removebutton Removes one or all buttons from a message
/removeembed Shows information to the bot
/say Sets up a button that sends a text when clicked
/setusage Dis-/Enables whether buttons are usable or not
/slowmode Sets a channels slowmode
/text Modifies text for you
/transfercomponents Transfers components from one message to another
/transferembeds Transfers embeds from one message to another
/unban Unbans a user from the guild
/warn Warns a member
/whois Shows information about a user
/wikipedia Searches in wikipedia and shows the results preview text

More Information on SlashBot

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