SlashBot Commands
Currently we have 31 bot commands and 38 slash commands for Slash Discord bot.
Command | Description |
/embed |
- |
/addgrouprole |
- |
/setusage |
- |
/avatar |
- |
/addbuttonrole |
- |
/addembed |
- |
/addgrouproles |
- |
/ban |
- |
/buttonrole |
- |
/buttonroles |
- |
/edit |
- |
/emoji |
- |
/google |
- |
/grouproles |
- |
/help |
- |
/info |
- |
/kick |
- |
/poll |
- |
/purge |
- |
/refreshdata |
- |
/removebuttons |
- |
/removeembed |
- |
/rockpaperscissors |
- |
/slowmode |
- |
/text |
- |
/tictactoe |
- |
/transfer |
- |
/unban |
- |
/warn |
- |
/whois |
- |
/wikipedia |
- |
Command | Description |
/activities |
Creates an invite for an activity in a voice channel |
/addbuttonrole |
Adds a single buttonrole to an already existing message |
/adddropdownroles |
Adds DropdownRoles to an already existing message |
/addembed |
Adds an embed to an already existing message |
/assets |
Shows a users assets |
/ban |
Bans a member |
/buttonrole |
Sets up a single buttonrole |
/buttonrolesetup |
Opens a bulk setup for setting up ButtonRoles |
/commands |
Shows information about a command |
/copymessage |
Copies a message sent by somebody else |
/dropdownroles |
Sets up a dropdown grouprole |
/dropdownsetup |
Opens a bulk setup for setting up DropdownRoles |
/edit |
Edits an embed for you |
/editdropdownroles |
Edits a dropdownroles options |
/embed |
Creates an embed for you |
/emoji |
Shows information to an emoji |
/functionbutton |
Shows information to the bot |
/google |
Creates a google link for you |
/help |
Shows help for the bot |
/info |
Shows information to the bot |
/kick |
Kicks a member |
/linkbutton |
Shows information to the bot |
/messageinfo |
Shows information about my message |
/movecomponents |
Moves/swaps components on a message sent by me |
/poll |
Creates a poll embed and adds up and downvote emojis |
/purge |
Purges up to 100 messages |
/removebutton |
Removes one or all buttons from a message |
/removeembed |
Shows information to the bot |
/say |
Sets up a button that sends a text when clicked |
/setusage |
Dis-/Enables whether buttons are usable or not |
/slowmode |
Sets a channels slowmode |
/text |
Modifies text for you |
/transfercomponents |
Transfers components from one message to another |
/transferembeds |
Transfers embeds from one message to another |
/unban |
Unbans a user from the guild |
/warn |
Warns a member |
/whois |
Shows information about a user |
/wikipedia |
Searches in wikipedia and shows the results preview text |
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