This message is shown by SlotBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
SlotBot BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
SlotBot is a bot designed by a nerd with no friends who apparently has some sort of obsession with casinos.
For a list of user commands, type ~commands. For more information on a certain command, type ~help <command>
Invite Me
Invite me to your server via this link: ;D
Support Me
Help keep me alive and earn some overpowered-ish rewards at the exact same time through my PayPal fund. ~donate for more info
For a list of abbreviations to know while using SlotBot, check ~shortcuts
If you still have questions or simply wish to be informed about SlotBot's updates the moment they're released, you're always welcome to visit SlotBot's support server and have a nice chat with some other users or simply chill there and procrastinate your homework. You can use ~slothub for an invite :p
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of SlotBot by visiting their support server or their website: