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Smart Wiki icon

Smart Wiki Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 53 slash commands for Smart Wiki Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Smart Wiki when the help command is sent to a channel:
Smart Wiki avatar
Smart Wiki BOT today at 4:20 PM
📬 Need help? Here are all of my commands:

Use s!help followed by a command name to get more additional information on a command. For example: s!help ping.


Prefix: s!

SmartAdmin Emoji ADMIN

joinrole embed rename emstats add-these addemoji announce cc-delete lock cc-create restrict emojiurl nuke remove resetchperms rsroles softlock svr

Premium Emoji BACKUP

embackup-delete embackup-create embackup-list embackup-load

Developer Emoji BOT

topguilds botinfo feedback help invite links report servercount stats uptime

starspin Emoji CHATBOT

chatbot disablechatbot setchatbot

SmartConfig Emoji CONFIG

setboostlogs cmd-disable disableautomeme setautomemechannel cmd-enable disablemodlogchannel disablemuterole setcovid setmodlogchannel setmodrole setmuterole

SmartConfig Emoji FUN

8ball advice reply censor youtubetogether ascii birdfacts calculate catfacts hack pandafacts rate ravatar respect reverse trivia tweet No command name. why

Games Emoji GAMES

chaoswords connect4 fasttype fight quiz guessthenumber guessthepokemon lieswatter neverhaveiever quickclick rps shuffleguess snakegame triva pressbutton wyd

Image Emoji IMAGE

simp toilet ad avatarfusion bed coinflip youtubecomment deadchat delete fortune gay glass grave hug invert joke love meme npc pet ph slap thomas trash tweet wasted

SmartInfo Emoji INFO

credits list graphstats cc-list members

SmartModeration Emoji MODERATION

guildinvites mnick mute slowmode antivc ban createchannel deletechannel deafen dm hackban kick poll clear resetnick setnick softban softmute unantivc unban undeafen unmute vcmove

049music Emoji MUSIC

In progress.

SmartUtil Emoji OTHER

delnote discriminator message avatar emoji-info note npm readqr setnote

SmartMisc Emoji UTIL

emoji-count findemoji gif mcuser channelinfo color emoji firstmessage userinfo lyrics memberslb members minecraft permissionsfor qr random-avatar roleinfo listrole safe-url serverinfo shorturl advs time translate wikipedia

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Smart Wiki by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/add-these bulk add emojis
/addemoji Adds a given Emoji to the server
/advice Generate a random useless advice
/announce Announce a message to a mentioned channel
/botinfo Sends detailed info about the bot
/cc-create create a custom command in smartwiki
/cc-delete delete a custom command from the bot
/cc-list fetch the list of custom commands for this guild
/chatbot Shows ChatBot's config
/cmd-disable Disable a command
/cmd-enable enable a disabled command
/deafen Deafen a member in a voice channel
/disablechatbot Disables a ChatBot Channel
/disablemodlogchannel Disables Server Modlog Channel
/disablemuterole Disables Server Mute Role
/embackup-create create emoji backup of this server
/embackup-delete delete emoji backup
/embackup-list list the emoji backup ids
/embackup-load load an emoji backup
/embed admin only make embed command
/emstats show emoji stats
/eval Evaluate arbitrary Javascript
/help Shows all available bot commands.
/invite Link to invite me
/joinrole Set Join Role!
/joke Generate a random joke from a joke API
/kick Kick mentioned user from this server.
/leaveguild Leaves a guid by the provided Id
/list list Emojis
/lock lock a channel
/love Shows Image of 2 Lovers, 3 persons!
/members Show Discord Server Members!
/meme Return A Random Meme!
/nuke Deletes & Clones The Channel
/pet Pets an image or a user's avatar.
/ph Return A phub Comment Image!
/ping Returns latency of the bot and Discord API Ping
/reload Reload command- Dev Only
/remove remove emojis
/rename rename an emoji
/resetchperms Removes all permission overwrites and resets @everyone permissions to `unset`
/rsroles Removes **all** custom roles from a user. (@everyone will be excluded)
/setautomemechannel Sets A Channel Where The Bot Can Send Memes every 60 seconds!
/setchatbot Sets a ChatBot Channel
/setmodlogchannel Sets A Channel Where The Bot Can Send Moderation Logs!
/setmuterole Sets A Mute Role For Muted Users!
/slowmode Sets SlowMode for a Channel
/stats Returns info about SmartWiki
/thelp The help command, what do you expect?
/thomas Thomas a user LMAO!
/topguilds List the bots servers with the most number of members
/trash Trash a user LMAO!
/youtubetogether youtube in discord

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