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SwiftBOT icon

SwiftBOT Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 56 slash commands for Swift Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by SwiftBOT when the help command is sent to a channel:
SwiftBOT avatar
SwiftBOT BOT today at 4:20 PM
Configuração [**8**]

prefix, *lockcmd, language, config, autorole, atendimento, antiinvite, *unlockcmd

Diversão [**29**]

tweet, *triggered, trash, stonks, slap, ship, reverse, procurar-gif, procurar-gif, pixelate, piada, pescar, perguntar, meme, leet, invert, grey, fake, emojify, emergencymeeting, ejected, dado, caraoucoroa, blur, kiss, ascii, vaporonda, virartexto, *wasted

Economia [**15**]

top-money, *roubar, rifa, raspadinha, rankup, rank, loja, fianca, empresa, depositar, debitar, daily, coins, caixa-misteriosa, *apostar

Filtros [**9**]

treblebass, *soft, pop, nightcore, daycore, bassboost, 8d, vaporwave, *vibrato

Informações [**13**]

covid19, *serverinfo, servericon, ping, emojis, country, convite, botinfo, avatar, ajuda, account, uptime, *userinfo

Jogos [**14**]

ppt, *tictactoe, forca, damas, corridadecavalo, connect4, chessTeste, chess, campominado, anagrama, akinator, 2048, uno, *werewolf

Moderação [**5**]

mute, *limpar, kick, ban, *unmute

Música [**18**]

tocando, *stop, skip, shuffle, seek, resume, remove, queue, playlist, play, pause, lyrics, loop, leave, lavalink, join, 24h, *volume

Utilidades [**36**]

twitchnotification, *tts, support, sugerir, stoptts, src, sorteio, setdesc, roman, ressortear, render, record, procuraremoji, ocr, nuke, npm, mysuggestions, mcskin, mcserver, mchead, lembrete, isitup, inviteinfo, hexcolor, emojiinfo, docs, desc, colorthief, calculadora, calcteste, backup, alert, addemoji, vote, weather, *youtubenotification

Use sw!ajuda [comando]
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of SwiftBOT by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/2048 Play 2048!
/24h No locale available
/caraoucoroa Let's get lucky ???
/dado Roll a dice
/damas No locale available
/join Join in a voice channel
/kiss Kiss someone
/leet CONV3RT 4 T3XT TO L33T
/loop Command without description
/lyrics No locale available
/pause Puse the queue
/perguntar Ask a question
/piada No locale available
/play Play a song with the bot!!
/playlist addmusic Add a music in the playlist
/playlist create Create a playlist
/playlist delete Delete a playlist
/playlist help See the help page
/playlist info See a playlist info
/playlist play Play a playlist
/playlist removemusic Remove a music from a playlist
/queue Display the current queue
/render Renderize websites
/resume Resume the track
/shuffle No locale available
/skip Skip the track
/stop Stop the queue
/tictactoe Play tictactoe!
/tocando Display the current track
/tts bianca Language: italiano
/tts camila Language: português_brasil
/tts carla Language: italiano
/tts celine Language: francês
/tts conchita Language: espanhol
/tts cristiano Language: português_portugal
/tts enrique Language: espanhol
/tts giorgio Language: italiano
/tts ines Language: português_portugal
/tts ivy Language: inglês
/tts joanna Language: inglês
/tts justin Language: inglês
/tts kevin Language: inglês
/tts léa Language: francês
/tts lucia Language: espanhol
/tts mathieu Language: francês
/tts maxim Language: russo
/tts mizuki Language: japonês
/tts ricardo Language: português_brasil
/tts seoyeon Language: koreano
/tts takumi Language: japonês
/tts tatyana Language: russo
/tts vitoria Language: português_brasil
/tts zeina Language: árabe
/tts zhiyu Language: chinês
/virartexto No locale available
/volume Change player volume

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