Taber's Bot icon

Taber's Bot icon

Taber's Bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 41 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Taber's Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Taber's Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Taber's Bot avatar
Taber's Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM, Sent you a DM with some helpful stuff! :D

Taber's Bot will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Taber's Bot avatar
Taber's Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM
Here's all the help you can get!

Each command is under a different permission. You would need the role that is above the command. For example, !clearchat can be used by Helpers and Admins. !ban can only be used by Admins.

Need to delete your data or opt out of activity collection?

Use: !support ask delete my data. We offer this to comply with Discord policy

Need Support?

Get help here:

Too lazy? Use !support ask {question} right from your server!

Server Settings

!settings advanced Edit settings
!logchannel Log commands
!botchannel Make commands only usuable in a certain channel
!embedeverything Makes EVERYTHING an embed. Color chat!
!welcomemessage: Greet new members with a message
!welcomerole Set a role that new members will get
!antiprofanity: Prevents profanity (Strict = More advanced profanity filtering, On = Basic profanity words)
!antiraid: Prevents spamming, dangerous mass admin commands, raids, and delets dangerous users.
!antispam Prevents flooding the chat with repeated charactars and prevents repeated messages
!antiadvertise: Prevents Discord Server Ads (Strict = Block anything that appears to be an add [Guaranteed not to block real messages], blocks ads in discord usernames, On = Block ads)
!bannedmessages: Prevent words from being said (!bannedmessages (add / remove) word)
!antiimages Blocks images in a channel
!antilinks Blocks links in a channel
!dadmode Uhh. Dad jokes...

Admin commands

!addrole Add a role, or to everybody.
!kickrole Kick all users with a role
!memberaudit BETA: Get recommendations on suspicious users in your server.
!deletechannel Delete channels (In bulk!)
!deleterole Deletes a role
!customcommand: Create your own commands!!
!ban: Ban somebody!
!default: Remove Admin and / or Helper role from a user
!kick: Kick a user from your server
!makeadmin: Assign somebody the Admin role the lazy way!
!makehelper: Assign somebody the Helper role the lazy way!
!freeze: Stops somebodys ability to use any commands (with Taber's Bot)
!unfreeze: Allows somebody to use commands again.

Helper Commands

!privatize Lock your current voice channel so new people cannot join
!clean Delete all messages from a user in every channel.
!voicekick Kick a user from any voice channel
!createrole Makes a new role
!activity: Checks for users that have been inactive on the server.
!clearchat: Clears the chat. Ex: !clearchat all
!info: Gives information about a user or role
!mute: Prohibits people from talking in any chat of your server
!nickbot: Change my visible name!
!purge: Clears messages form a user or just a number. Ex: !purge 5 @Taber's Bot, or just !purge 5
!setup: Set up basic things to make me function!
!unmute: Allows somebody to talk again in chat

Basic Commands

!quote Quote somebody. !quote [messageid]
!afk Do some afk stuff or set a message
!remind: Reminds you to do something (!remind REMINDER in 5 minutes)
!invite: Creates a invite link to add me to any server you own
!nick: Change your visible name

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Taber's Bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
!setup -
!command -
!settings -
!logchannel -
!welcomemessage -
!welcomerole -
!antiprofanity -
!antiraid -
!antiadvertise -
!bannedmessages -
!antilinks -
!antiimages -
!antispam -
!dadmode -
!memberaudit -
!ban -
!default -
!kick -
!makeadmin -
!makehelper -
!freeze -
!unfreeze -
!clean -
!voicekick -
!createrole -
!activity -
!clearchat -
!info -
!mute -
!nickbot -
!purge -
!unmute -
!quote -
!afk -
!talk -
!math -
!wolf -
!remind -
!invite -
!nick -
!version -
Command Description

More Information on Taber's Bot

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