THE HOGANATOR 3000 Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 27 bot commands and 0 slash commands for THE HOGANATOR 3000 Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by THE HOGANATOR 3000 when the help command is sent to a channel:
THE HOGANATOR 3000 avatar
THE HOGANATOR 3000 BOT today at 4:20 PM

Sent you a DM, brother.

THE HOGANATOR 3000 will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
THE HOGANATOR 3000 avatar
THE HOGANATOR 3000 BOT today at 4:20 PM
Command structure: h![command]
Moderation (server):

h!ban [member] [reason] - Bans specified member from the server. Must have permission to ban.
h!kick [member] [reason] - Kicks specified member from the sever. Must have permission to kick.
h!leave - The Hoganator leaves the server, deleting all channels and roles it created. Must have the manage server permission.
h!mute [member] - Mutes specified member until unmuted. Must have permission to manage roles and a higher role than member being muted.
WARNING: Having channels with synced permissions will likely mess this up. Make sure that is disabled before using.
^Mute creates a role to assign to muted users, so it may require role hierarchy to be changed.
h!unmute [member] - Unmutes specified member. Must have same permissions as needed for mute command.
h!warn [member] [reason] - Sends a warning with specified reason to a member. Must have a higher role than the recipient.

Moderation (messages):

h!ban_word [word] - Bans specified word from the server. Must have manage server permission. Alias: bwd [word]
h!banned_words - Lists all banned words for the server. Alias: bwds
h!clean - Clears the bots commands from chat. Must have the manage messages permission.
h!cull [criteria] - Delete messages containing a specified string. Must have the manage messages permission.
h!purge [x] - Deletes x most recent messages from a channel. Must have the manage messages permission.
h!purge_bots - Deletes messages sent by bots in a channel. Must have the manage messages permission.
h!purge_user [user] - Deletes messages sent by the specified user in a channel. Must have the manage messages permission.
h!unban_word [word] - Unbans specified word from the server. Must have manage server permission. Alias: ubwd [word]


h!8ball [question] - Calls upon the magic 8-ball to answer a question.
h!dice [x] - Rolls an x-sided die.
h!flex - Hoganator flexes for you.
h!flip - Flip a coin.
h!rps [choice] - Play rock-paper-scissors with the bot.
h!quote - A random Hulk Hogan quote.
h!sexy - Shows you the sexiest man alive.


h!create_colors - Create channel and roles to allow members to select a color. Must have permission to manage server. Aliases: cr_clrs, crclrs
h!info [member] - Sends an embed with basic information about a member.
h!membercount - Sends the number of members currently in the server.
h!pfp [member] - Sends a member's avatar as an image.
h!ping - Sends the bot's latency in milliseconds.
h!poll 'question' '[options]' - Create a poll with up to 5 options. Be sure to enclose multiple-word options in quotation marks.
h!poop - Poop, brother.
h!remove_colors - Delete channel and roles pertaining to color selection. Must have permission to manage server. Aliases: rm_clrs, rmclrs


-Keep track of server and user info.
-Send a message when a member joins or leaves the server.
-Upon joining a server, create a channel called #color-select and corresponding roles to allow members to select a color.
(The bot needs permissions to create channels and manage roles in order for this to work.)
-Upon leaving a server, if commanded to do so, remove roles and channels created by the bot.
-Filter messages based on server-specific banned words.


h!help - Sends this message.
-If you encounter a problem or have a suggestion, don't hesitate to message my creator, @Diplomatic#0985.

Invite me at
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of THE HOGANATOR 3000 by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
h!ban -
h!kick -
h!leave -
h!mute -
h!unmute -
h!warn -
h!ban_word -
h!banned_words -
h!clean -
h!cull -
h!purge -
h!purge_bots -
h!purge_user -
h!unban_word -
h!dice -
h!flex -
h!flip -
h!rps -
h!quote -
h!create_colors -
h!help -
h!info -
h!membercount -
h!pfp -
h!ping -
h!poll -
h!remove_colors -
Command Description

More Information on THE HOGANATOR 3000

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