This message is shown by Thor-bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Thor BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
!Invite , will give you my Invitelink !Vote will send you the Link to Vote for Thor !Points shows you how many Points you have !Report-user [(user-id or user-name) not the mention!!! To report users to the Mod and receive Points which are needed to reduce your Globalwarnings! !Reduce to reduce your Globalwarnings !My-Warning shows you how many Globalwarnings you have Thor (or mention) hit (or other words for attack) [target.mention or name with descriminator] for example: <@593838268261335041> hit <@!578282991294349322> !Developer , will mention the Developer, so you can write him or what ever !Get-AntiSpambot , will send you a DM with the Invitelink for the Bot !Show_me [User-id or Mention] size(Optional) ,will send you the Avatar of that User in the wanted size
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Thor-bot by visiting their support server or their website: