Tupperbox icon

Tupperbox icon

Tupperbox Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 16 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Tupperbox Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Tupperbox when the help command is sent to a channel:
Tupperbox avatar
Tupperbox BOT today at 4:20 PM
Tupperbox | Help

I am Tupperbox, a bot that allows you to send messages as other pseudo-users using Discord webhooks. Visit the online guide to learn the basics of making and using tuppers!

Command List
Type tul!help command for detailed help on a command.

Getting Started
tul!register - Register a new tupper
tul!list - Get a detailed list of yours or another user's registered tuppers
tul!remove - Unregister a tupper
tul!show - Show info about a particular tupper

Editing Tuppers
tul!avatar - View or change a tupper's avatar
tul!birthday - View or change a tupper's birthday, or see upcoming birthdays
tul!brackets - View or change a tupper's brackets
tul!describe - View or change a tupper's description
tul!nick - Change a tupper's nickname
tul!rename - Change a tupper's name
tul!tag - Remove or change a tupper's tag (displayed next to name when proxying)
tul!togglebrackets - Toggles whether the brackets are included in proxied messages for a tupper

tul!group - View or change your groups
tul!listng - Like list, but without showing group info
tul!find - Find and display info about tuppers by name

tul!auto - Configure auto-proxying
tul!proxy - Enable or disable proxying
tul!private - Configure privacy settings
tul!cfg - Configure server-specific settings

tul!edit - Edit a proxied message you sent
tul!showuser - Show the user that sent a specific proxied message

Data Management
tul!import - Import your data from a file
tul!export - Export your data to a file
tul!purge - Remove all data

Get Help
tul!support - Get an invite to the support server
tul!help - Print this message, or get help for a specific command
tul!privacy - View my privacy policy
tul!stats - Show info about the bot

Single or double quotes can be used in any command to specify names with spaces!

Proxy tips:
React with ❌ to a proxy you've sent to delete it!
React with ❓ to a proxy to show who sent it in DM!
React with 📝 to edit a proxy you've sent!

Questions? Join the support server: invite
Check out the online dashboard for managing tuppers!
Invite the bot to your server --> click

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Tupperbox by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
tul!help -
tul!avatar -
tul!brackets -
tul!describe -
tul!rename -
tul!nick -
tul!remove -
tul!group -
tul!cfg -
tul!auto -
tul!proxy -
tul!list -
tul!showuser -
tul!export -
tul!import -
tul!purge -
Command Description

More Information on Tupperbox

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