This message is shown by Urbot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Urbot BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Urbot Rules
In order to ensure an enjoyable and smooth experience for all of Urbot's users, players are prohibited from doing the following:
> 1) ALL trading between alt accounts. Furthermore, using alts to farm resources* for the purposes of trading. > 2) Chain trading** between two or more individuals to complete collections and earn badges and achievements. This includes trading champions for the express purpose of farming and raising Ascension level. > 3) Abusing bugs or otherwise exploiting any issue with the bot. Any bugs should be reported in #bug-reports or brought to the attention of the mods. > 4) Intentionally lagging the bot via spam or other methods.``
Resources include characters, skin shards, capsules, chests, keys and all tradeable currencies including , and . ** When character(s) are passed between accounts to enable all participants to complete the same collection(s) through temporary ownership of those characters.
Intentionally breaking any of the aforementioned rules will result in a permanent ban from Urbot. In addition, any actions done with malicious intent the Urbot moderators deem to be harmful to the overall health of the bot will be met with a warning followed by a temporary ban if the behaviors persists. Multiple offenses of this nature will be considered a willful violation of the rules and result in a permanent ban.
If you notice a breach of the abovementioned rules in any Discord server, please immediately report the user and their activity to a mod so that we may resolve the issue.
NOTE: These rules are subject to change. Any updates to the rules will be announced in #announcements and the +daily command.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Urbot by visiting their support server or their website: