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Uzox icon

Uzox Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 24 slash commands for Uzox Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Uzox when the help command is sent to a channel:
Uzox avatar
Uzox BOT today at 4:20 PM
Categories Of Bot Commands

Enter help followed by one of the number of the types of commands.
Usage: help <number>

1. 🎶 Track Control Commands

Commands to control the track playing in the server.

2. 📜 Queue Control Commands

Commands to control the queue of the server.

3. 🎼 Music Filters

Commands to control the tone of the music playing.

4. spotify Emoji Spotify Integration Commands

Commands which allow you to connect Uzox to your Spotify account, control it and play songs from Discord!

5. 💾 Saved Queues Commands

Commands which allow you to save a whole server queue into one with a name.

6. 🌟 Favourites Commands

Commands to make you save individual names in a personal list.

7. ✨ Fun Commands

Commands you may / may not have fun using.

8. ⛏️ Moderation Commands

Commands to help the moderators in the server.

9. ⚙️ Bot Settings

Commands to configure the settings of the bot for this server.

10. 🏆 Gold Benefits

Benefits of being a Uzox Gold member.

11. 💥 Activities

Have fun activities in your voice channel.

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Uzox by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/activity Start an activity in a voice channel
/bassboost Set bassboost level to none/low/medium/high by writing accordingly.
/forceskip Skips to next track directly (If DJ mode is enabled, only DJ's can use this command)
/forward Forward the current track further
/jump Play a track from the queue next
/loop Loop the current queue or track
/lyrics Get the lyrics of the current song or of your own choice
/move Move a track around in the queue
/nowplaying Find out which track is playing right now in the server
/pause Pause the playing track
/play Play a track or playlist with any name or link
/playnext Play a track or playlist with any name or link next
/previous Play the previous track
/queue Show the queue of track in this server
/remove Remove a track from the queue
/removeduplicates Removes all the duplicate tracks from the queue
/resume Resume the paused track
/savedqueue Save a whole servers queue and play it anywhere.
/seek Seek into the different seek times of the track
/shuffle Shuffle the queue of tracks randomly
/skip Skip the current playing track
/skipto Skip all tracks until the position mentioned
/stop Clear and stop the player for this server
/volume Display or change the volume of the player for the server

More Information on Uzox

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