VanGuard icon

VanGuard icon


0 reviews | 670 servers
Default Prefix: .
Command Description
.help -
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting VanGuard to a new server, it will send you this private message:
VanGuard avatar
VanGuard BOT today at 4:20 PM

Hello, I'm VanGuard.

If you need any sort of help join the VanGuard Official Discord server Support Server.

**info Emoji General**

logging vote reactions bot info invite prefix

**reactionAdd Emoji Reactions**

reaction add reaction remove reaction

**📝 Sticky Messages**

sticky sticky create sticky remove sticky edit

**editUser Emoji Striking & Warning System**

strike (@member) (reason) unstrike (@member) (Unique ID) warn (@member) (Reason) unwarn (@member) (Unique ID)

**tool Emoji Auto-Modertaion**

enablemod stopautomod automodstatus whitelist user whitelist url whitelist channel

**⚙️ Moderation**

kick ban mute unmute clear tempmute poll masskick lockchannel unlockchannel

**🎵 Music**

join leave play (name of song) skip remove (number in queue) stop pause resume shuffle

**server Emoji Server Settings**

log <channel> reminder giveaway reroll serverinfo bug userinfo nuke afk

**VBD Emoji Information**

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If you have any more questions please contact <@!302607309019021322>

Bot Status

VanGuard's current status is online
Last checked (2024-07-05 04:35:03 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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