Volteum icon

Volteum icon

Volteum Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 47 slash commands for Volteum Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Volteum when the help command is sent to a channel:
Volteum avatar
Volteum BOT today at 4:20 PM
Volteum - Commands

if something isn't working, contact us via our support server! Type &server to get link of support server!




meme,itemshop,slap,hug,baldmeter,gaymeter,neko,creatememe,hack, tackle,choose,kill,roast,fight,start rps,rps,asktrump,spinner,emojify






invite,help,disable auto-response,enable auto-response,suggest,setsuggestionschannel,disablesuggestions,changerole,addrole,removerole,setwelcomechannel,setleavechannel,setwelcomemesage,setleavemessage,slowmode,afk,snipe


ban,kick,mute,unmute,warn,poll,purge,role,nickname,lock,unlock,channels,server,close ticket,ticket,checkwarns,anti-link on,anti-link off,nuke,unban,clearwarn




no u,f,hi,bye,noice,lol,bruh,-_-,oof,GG,I am,xD


point help,mybal,give,point rewards







Prefix - &
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Volteum by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball ask something to the almighty 8ball
/addrole add a role to the mentioned person
/anti-link-off turn off anti-link
/anti-link-on turn on anti link
/avatar see the avatar of someone else or yourself
/bal check your balance
/ban ban a server member
/cat get cute cat pics
/changecolor change the color of the mentioned role
/checkwarns check how many times the mentioned person has been warned
/clearwarns clear warns for a mentioned person
/closeticket close the seperate channel called ticket
/color check which color your hexadecimal code shows
/covid check the covid stats of a country
/daily if your server is premium then claim your daily points!
/disable-autoresponse disable volteum responding to messages if you find it annoying
/disablesuggestion disable people suggesting using &suggest
/dog get cute dog pics
/donate donate for volteum
/emote use any animated emote in the server
/enable-autoresponse enable volteum responding to your messages
/give give someone points
/google google something
/help see all the commands of volteum
/invite invite the bot to your server !
/kick kick someone out of the server
/lock mute everyone leaving the admins in a channel
/mute make a person not be able to talk in the server
/neko suprise :) check it out
/nick nickname someone else in the server
/nuke delete a lot of messages
/ping check how much time volteum takes to respond back
/point-help check out what you can buy using points
/poll create a simple poll with a topic for people to vote
/purge delete the given number of messages
/removerole remove a specific role from a person
/serverinfo check the information of your server
/setsuggestionchannel set which channel suggestions from &suggest go to
/slowmode edit the slowmode of a specific channel
/stats check the stats of volteum
/ticket create a seperate channel if someone needs assistance
/unlock unlock the channel for everyone to use
/unmute unmute the muted person and let him talk
/vote vote for volteum in top.gg
/warn warn someone if they did something outside of the rules
/website check out the website of volteum
/youtube search youtube for something

More Information on Volteum

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