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wotbot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 59 slash commands for wot Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by wotbot when the help command is sent to a channel:
wotbot avatar
wotbot BOT today at 4:20 PM
Most useful WotBot commands

⏱️*?daily* player - today's stats
📆?readstats player - stats for time period
🍹?unicum player - carrier stats and goals
:scales:?winrate player - quick carrier stats
🍿?denoob player - detailed per tier carrier stats and goals

:first_place:?mastery player - list of mastered tanks
📈?bsig player - BlitzStars signature
:play_pause:?replay url - put replay to WotInspector, get details
🎲?quiz - play tank quiz game

:family_wwbb:?clanstats clan - clan stats
There are more useful clan commands, see them here

:homes:?invite - invite WotBot to your server
:tools:?conf - set your game name, region and other

WotBot help
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of wotbot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/autorole remove Remove automatic role for the server
/autorole set Set automatic role for the server
/ban Ban a mentioned user from the server
/bassboost (De)Activate bass boost. Use with caution!
/fact Get a random fact!
/hangman start Start a game of Hangman
/hangman stop Stops a running game of Hangman
/help Get help for how the bot works
/invite Send a bot invite link to current channel
/joke Sends a random joke to the channel
/jump Jump to a specific time in a song.
/kick Kick a mentioned user from the server
/math Evaluate a given math expression
/mcname Get minecraft username history of a given user
/musicplayer Get a link for the music player UI
/mute (Un)mute someone in a server
/nowplaying Get information about the current song
/pause Pauses or unpauses the player
/permissions disable Disable a module for a role or server
/permissions enable Enable a module for a role or server
/permissions list List all current permission restrictions
/play Starts playing a song or adds one to the queue
/playlist Adds a playlist to the queue
/prefix Get or change current prefix
/prune Delete a given amount of messages in current channel
/queue Gets the whole queue in a server
/quiz Play a game of trivia quiz!
/reddit Returns a random post from a given subreddit
/reminder clear Clear existing reminder
/reminder set Set a reminder for yourself
/remove Removes a given index from queue
/replay Enable/disable replay of currently playing song.
/report Report feedback or bugs
/serverinfo Retrieve server information
/settings Change settings for some extra functionalities
/shuffle Shuffle the queue
/skip Skip the current playing song
/slash Send a link to activate Slash command support
/soundboard Get a personal link for the soundboard UI
/soundcloud Adds a soundcloud song to the queue
/spotify artist Get general information about a given artist
/spotify notification Sign up for Spotify notifications
/spotify unsubscribe Unsubscribe from Spotify notifications
/stats Get some technical stats for the bot
/stop Stops the bot from playing more music
/tag delete Delete a tag
/tag edit Edit a tag
/tag list Get a list of all tags
/tag show Display tag in chat
/texttospeech Speechify a text to your voice channel
/translate languages Display all available languages for tranlastion
/translate to Translate a phrase to a specified language
/twitch delete Delete existing Twitch notification
/twitch help Get help using the Twitch command
/twitch set Set Twitch notification
/userinfo Retrieve user information
/volume Sets the players' volume
/vote Retrieve the vote URL
/weather Get the weather for a given place

More Information on wotbot

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