wotbot Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 59 slash commands for wot Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/autorole remove |
Remove automatic role for the server |
/autorole set |
Set automatic role for the server |
/ban |
Ban a mentioned user from the server |
/bassboost |
(De)Activate bass boost. Use with caution! |
/fact |
Get a random fact! |
/hangman start |
Start a game of Hangman |
/hangman stop |
Stops a running game of Hangman |
/help |
Get help for how the bot works |
/invite |
Send a bot invite link to current channel |
/joke |
Sends a random joke to the channel |
/jump |
Jump to a specific time in a song. |
/kick |
Kick a mentioned user from the server |
/math |
Evaluate a given math expression |
/mcname |
Get minecraft username history of a given user |
/musicplayer |
Get a link for the music player UI |
/mute |
(Un)mute someone in a server |
/nowplaying |
Get information about the current song |
/pause |
Pauses or unpauses the player |
/permissions disable |
Disable a module for a role or server |
/permissions enable |
Enable a module for a role or server |
/permissions list |
List all current permission restrictions |
/play |
Starts playing a song or adds one to the queue |
/playlist |
Adds a playlist to the queue |
/prefix |
Get or change current prefix |
/prune |
Delete a given amount of messages in current channel |
/queue |
Gets the whole queue in a server |
/quiz |
Play a game of trivia quiz! |
/reddit |
Returns a random post from a given subreddit |
/reminder clear |
Clear existing reminder |
/reminder set |
Set a reminder for yourself |
/remove |
Removes a given index from queue |
/replay |
Enable/disable replay of currently playing song. |
/report |
Report feedback or bugs |
/serverinfo |
Retrieve server information |
/settings |
Change settings for some extra functionalities |
/shuffle |
Shuffle the queue |
/skip |
Skip the current playing song |
/slash |
Send a link to activate Slash command support |
/soundboard |
Get a personal link for the soundboard UI |
/soundcloud |
Adds a soundcloud song to the queue |
/spotify artist |
Get general information about a given artist |
/spotify notification |
Sign up for Spotify notifications |
/spotify unsubscribe |
Unsubscribe from Spotify notifications |
/stats |
Get some technical stats for the bot |
/stop |
Stops the bot from playing more music |
/tag delete |
Delete a tag |
/tag edit |
Edit a tag |
/tag list |
Get a list of all tags |
/tag show |
Display tag in chat |
/texttospeech |
Speechify a text to your voice channel |
/translate languages |
Display all available languages for tranlastion |
/translate to |
Translate a phrase to a specified language |
/twitch delete |
Delete existing Twitch notification |
/twitch help |
Get help using the Twitch command |
/twitch set |
Set Twitch notification |
/userinfo |
Retrieve user information |
/volume |
Sets the players' volume |
/vote |
Retrieve the vote URL |
/weather |
Get the weather for a given place |
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,100,000 Servers
9,790,000 Servers
9,030,000 Servers