X-Bot icon

X-Bot icon


0 reviews | 12,200 servers
Default Prefix: !
Command Description
!help -
!invite -
!vote -
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting X-Bot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
X-Bot avatar
X-Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Individual Command Usage
For information on an individual command, use !help <command_name>


help | `!help `

Sends a list of commands

invite | `!invite `

Sends an invite link to add X-Bot to your server

ping | `!ping `

Ping/Pong command

setprefix | `!setprefix <prefix>`

Sets your default prefix

support | `!support `

Sends a link to buy the dev a coffee

vote | `!vote `

Sends a link to vote X-Bot on top.gg

xconsole | `!xconsole `

Open up a console manager that provides info and also allows you to turn off, on or reboot your console

xcontroller | `!xcontroller `

Creates a virtual controller within Discord that interacts with your selected console

xinventory | `!xinventory `

Have a look at and manage a consoles inventory, this includes being able to uninstall/check for updates

xlaunch | `!xlaunch `

Launch a game/app on a selected console

gameswithgold | `!gameswithgold `

Shows the currently available games with gold

lastplayed | `!lastplayed <gamertag>`

Shows your last played xbox games

notifications | `!notifications [here | remove]`

Sets the channel to recieve Xbox status notifications

setgt | `!setgt <gamertag | current>`

Saves your gamertag to the X-Bot DB so you can use xbox commands without entering your gamertag every time.

whoson | `!whoson [add | remove | copy | text | reset <gamertag>] `

Allows you to save Xbox profiles to a list and see their current Xbox status and activity

xachievement | `!xachievement <gamertag>`

Xbox achievement command

xavatar | `!xavatar <gamertag>`

Displays your xbox avatar.

xboxgc | `!xboxgc <gamertag>`

Shows a random gameclip of yours if it has been uploaded or a specfic one if you give it a number.

xboxss | `!xboxss <gamertag>`

Shows a random screenshot of yours if it has been uploaded or a specfic one if you give it a number.

xclub | `!xclub <club_name>`

Allows you to search up a clubs name and recieve details relating to it

xclubplayers | `!xclubplayers <club_name>`

Allows you to search up a clubs players specifically

xclubtrack | `!xclubtrack <club_name>`

Allows you to setup a channel that tracks the amount of players online in a club

xgamercard | `!xgamercard <gamertag>`

Creates your very own xbox gamercard.

xgamerpic | `!xgamerpic <gamertag>`

Displays your xbox gamerpic.

xleaderboard | `!xleaderboard <gamertag>`

Displays your group of friends monthly gamerscore leaderboard

Do '!help here' to send the embed to the current channel

Bot Status

X-Bot's current status is online
Last checked (2024-12-28 20:35:04 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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