Command | Description |
/about | to make me say who I am! |
/avatar | Show you or the user mention's avatar! |
/ban | Ban the desired member. Must have permissions. |
/checkcomments | Check the comments of the supplied post number! |
/checkpost | Check the post for the number you put! |
/clear | Clear the desired number of messages. Must have manage messages permissions. |
/contact | for the bot to show you the contact information of the developers. |
/covid | for you to show the Covid-19 status of the country. Usage=/covid China |
/devmail | for you to send a message to the developers. Usage=/devmail I love your bot, result: Message sent! |
/devunverify | Usage: /devunverify <DiscordID> |
/devverify | Usage: /devverify <DiscordID> <WalkerID> |
/donate | to donate for the development of this bot! |
/eval | Developer eval code. |
/forceunverify | to forcefully unverify a user. Admins only. |
/go | followed by your Walker ID for comment checking purposes. |
/hello | Bot will say Hello. |
/help | No Description. |
/invite | Invite link for the bot. |
/kick | Kick the desired member. Must have permissions. |
/lastverified | to show the last couple users with the user ID and Walker ID. |
/meme | for the bot to show a random meme from the list! |
/newposts | Show the newest posts from the platform! |
/ping | for the bot to show the current ping to the Bot! |
/profile | No Description. |
/say | followed by your desired message to make the bot say that. |
/searchpost | Search posts on the platform! |
/servercount | Show how many servers I'm in! |
/serverinvite | Invite you to my official server! |
/sourcecode | to make the bot show its source code. |
/suggest | for you to suggest a feature to the developers. Usage=/suggest a cool feature!, result: suggested! |
/tokendecode | to decode the verification comment token. Developer Only. |
/translate | Translate followed by the language code and the content. |
/translateoptions | for the bot to show you the options for the /translate command. |
/unverify | to unverify. |
/urban | Define the requested term! |
/usercount | for the bot to show the current number of Walker Discord accounts verified with this bot! |
/verify | Generate and Store token. |
/vote | to vote to show your support of me! |
/weather | Show you the current weather for the requested coordinates. |
/website | Show the link to the website of this bot. |