Green Nexus icon

Green Nexus icon

Green Nexus Commands

Currently we have 0 bot commands and 40 slash commands for Green Nexus Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

Sadly, we don't have any help message previews for Green Nexus, yet. Feel free to help us keeping the content up-to-date.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Green Nexus by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/about to make me say who I am!
/avatar Show you or the user mention's avatar!
/ban Ban the desired member. Must have permissions.
/checkcomments Check the comments of the supplied post number!
/checkpost Check the post for the number you put!
/clear Clear the desired number of messages. Must have manage messages permissions.
/contact for the bot to show you the contact information of the developers.
/covid for you to show the Covid-19 status of the country. Usage=/covid China
/devmail for you to send a message to the developers. Usage=/devmail I love your bot, result: Message sent!
/devunverify Usage: /devunverify <DiscordID>
/devverify Usage: /devverify <DiscordID> <WalkerID>
/donate to donate for the development of this bot!
/eval Developer eval code.
/forceunverify to forcefully unverify a user. Admins only.
/go followed by your Walker ID for comment checking purposes.
/hello Bot will say Hello.
/help No Description.
/invite Invite link for the bot.
/kick Kick the desired member. Must have permissions.
/lastverified to show the last couple users with the user ID and Walker ID.
/meme for the bot to show a random meme from the list!
/newposts Show the newest posts from the platform!
/ping for the bot to show the current ping to the Bot!
/profile No Description.
/say followed by your desired message to make the bot say that.
/searchpost Search posts on the platform!
/servercount Show how many servers I'm in!
/serverinvite Invite you to my official server!
/sourcecode to make the bot show its source code.
/suggest for you to suggest a feature to the developers. Usage=/suggest a cool feature!, result: suggested!
/tokendecode to decode the verification comment token. Developer Only.
/translate Translate followed by the language code and the content.
/translateoptions for the bot to show you the options for the /translate command.
/unverify to unverify.
/urban Define the requested term!
/usercount for the bot to show the current number of Walker Discord accounts verified with this bot!
/verify Generate and Store token.
/vote to vote to show your support of me!
/weather Show you the current weather for the requested coordinates.
/website Show the link to the website of this bot.

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