!haiku help [moduleName]: Gives information about the bot's functions for a part of the bot. [moduleName]: The part of HaikuBot to get help for
!haiku help [moduleName]
!haiku help: Gives information about the bot's functions.
!haiku help
!haiku info: Shows info about HaikuBot.
!haiku info
!haiku invite: Sends the invite link used to invite HaikuBot to your own server.
!haiku invite
!haiku stats: Shows the global stats for HaikuBot.
!haiku stats
Server help: !haiku help server
!haiku help server
Syllables help: !haiku help syllables
!haiku help syllables
Patreon help: !haiku help patreon
!haiku help patreon
Hello! I'm HaikuBot and I look for messages with 17 syllables that fit into 5-7-5 haiku format, then reformat them into haikus. Beep boop!
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,860,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers