TTS Bot! icon

TTS Bot! icon

TTS Bot! Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 8 bot commands and 25 slash commands for TTS Bot! Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by TTS Bot! when the help command is sent to a channel:
TTS Bot avatar
TTS Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM
TTS Bot Help!

Main Commands
-join: Joins the voice channel you're in!
-leave: Leaves voice channel TTS Bot is in!
-skip: Clears the message queue!

-settings: Displays the current settings!
-set: Changes a setting!
-setup [value]: Setup the bot to read messages from <channel>
-voices [lang]: Lists all the language codes that TTS bot accepts

Extra Commands
-uptime: Shows how long TTS Bot has been online
-tts <message>: Generates TTS and sends it in the current text channel!
-botstats: Shows various different stats
-channel: Shows the current setup channel!
-donate: Shows how you can help support TTS Bot's development and hosting!
-ping: Gets current ping to discord!
-suggest <suggestion>: Suggests a new feature!
-invite: Sends the instructions to invite TTS Bot and join the support server!

Development Commands
-debug: Shows info, for debug usage

-help [command]: Shows this message

Use -help [command] for more info on a command.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of TTS Bot! by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
-help -
-setup -
-join -
-leave -
-skip -
-settings -
-set -
-botstats -
Command Description
/botstats Shows various different stats
/channel Shows the current setup channel!
/debug info Shows info, for debug usage
/debug invoke Manually invokes command, for debug usage.
/donate Shows how you can help support TTS Bot's development and hosting!
/invite Sends the instructions to invite TTS Bot and join the support server!
/join Joins the voice channel you're in!
/leave Leaves voice channel TTS Bot is in!
/ping Gets current ping to discord!
/set autojoin If you type a message in the setup channel, the bot will join your vc
/set botignore Messages sent by bots and webhooks are not read
/set language Changes the language your messages are read in, full list in `-voices`
/set max_time_to_read Max seconds for a TTS'd message
/set nick Replaces your username in "<user> said" with a given name
/set prefix The prefix used before commands
/set repeated_chars Max repetion of a character (0 = off)
/set server_language Changes the default language messages are read in
/set xsaid Makes the bot say "<user> said" before each message
/settings Displays the current settings!
/setup Setup the bot to read messages from `<channel>`
/skip Clears the message queue!
/suggest Suggests a new feature!
/tts Generates TTS and sends it in the current text channel!
/uptime Shows how long TTS Bot has been online
/voices Lists all the language codes that TTS bot accepts

More Information on TTS Bot!

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