Narrato Workspace
Web Apps
Narrato Workspace is a content collaboration, project management, and workflow management platform that brings all your content processes and people at one place, and helps you automate content workfl...ow.
Select features of the platform:
- Content tasks assignment, tracking, and management
- Advanced content editor with readability, grammar & content structuring suggestions, SEO tools, and in-built plagiarism checker
- Content workflow automation
- Content calendar and planning
- Create and use custom content templates
- Organize content and projects in folders and maintain a content repository
- Client content delivery, feedback, and collaboration for marketing agencies Read moreless
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This page was composed by Narrato and published by It was created at 2021-06-15 09:27:09 and last edited by Narrato at 2021-06-09 12:49:57. This page has been viewed 1083 times.
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