Commands for Hackerbot
Type just the name of the command for more info on that command
User Commands
- Displays this message
Usage: ;help
- Ask a question and get an answer
Usage: ;8ball [Question]
- Used to agree to the terms set by the server staff in the server if set up.
Usage: ;agree
- Will display the avatar of the user mentioned or by default display your avatar
Usage: ;avatar [User ID or mention]
Aliases: icon
- Will randomly choose one of the options
Usage: ;choose [option 1] | [option 2] | [option 3] ...
- This can be used to create groups in your discord and users can self assign themselves to different groups
Usage: ;group [join/leave/create/delete/list/listemoji] <group name>
- Will display relavant info about either the user mentioned, the user who used the command, the server or the bot
Usage: ;info [user ID, mention, "me" "server" and "bot"]
- Posts the bot's invite
Usage: ;invite
- Creates a poll for react to
Usage: ;poll [question] | [option 1] | [option 2] ...
- Quote a message someone sent
Usage: ;quote [message id] <channel id>
Aliases: echo
- This will remind you in the set time you want to be reminded, can have 1 reminder at a time
Usage: ;remind [me, list or remove] [reminder]
- Picks a random message from x days ago. Currently only looks at the last 50 messages
Usage: ;rewind [Number of days to rewind]
- Gets the bots shard info, how many shards, which shards are up, servers per shard, etc
Usage: ;shard
- If you're running into problems with Hackerbot use this.
Usage: ;support