Hackerbot icon

Hackerbot icon

Hackerbot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 39 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Hacker Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Hackerbot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Hackerbot avatar
Hackerbot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Alternative.me I have sent you the list in DM

Hackerbot will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Hackerbot avatar
Hackerbot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Admin Commands
;agreement - Used to set up an agreement system that assigns users a role upon joining and after they agree removes the role
Usage: ;agreement [Role name] | [Channel name] | [Kick after 24h, true or false]

;alias - Can create an alias for any command. Make sure the command works before making an alias
Usage: ;alias [add/remove/list] [alias] [Command]
Aliases: name

;antispam - This command is user to configure the antispam filter, you can either increase or decrease the number of messages before mutting, and set custom messages
Usage: ;antispam [part of antispam you'd like to change] [what you're changing to]

;automod - For an easy overview of the bot's automod, see what's enabled and easily enable/disable items
Usage: ;automod [Part of automod to change] [What you're chaning it to]

;config - Configure commands in the bot to be only usable by certain roles.cache. also set the log channel
Usage: ;config [Command/log/command group] <Role/channel>
Aliases: perms

;filter - This will setup a filtering system to filter words based on regex
Usage: ;filter

;joinrole - Will assign a role to a user after joining, or after a user agrees
Usage: ;joinrole [Role name]
Aliases: jrole

;link - Will setup one way communication of sending messages from 1 channel to another, 2 way requires 2 uses of this command
Usage: ;link add [destination channel] [sending channel]

;namefilter - This will filter users.cache.with names that match the word/regex filter you want for your server
Usage: ;namefilter

;welcome - This can be used to have welcome messages for people coming to your server, leaving your server or getting banned from your server
Usage: ;welcome [welcomemessage, leavemessage, banmessage or channel] [The message you want to display or the channel name]
Aliases: join

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Hackerbot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
;automod -
;help -
;agreement -
;alias -
;antispam -
;config -
;filter -
;joinrole -
;link -
;namefilter -
;welcome -
;ban -
;kick -
;massban -
;massrole -
;role -
;tempban -
;temprole -
;unban -
;finduser -
;giveaway -
;mute -
;purge -
;unmute -
;warn -
;agree -
;avatar -
;choose -
;group -
;info -
;invite -
;poll -
;quote -
;channel -
;remind -
;rewind -
;shard -
;support -
;upvote -
Command Description

More Information on Hackerbot

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