Zana icon

Zana icon

Zana Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Zana Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Zana when the help command is sent to a channel:
Zana avatar
Zana BOT today at 4:20 PM

Linking items: The bot links items for you in chat if you decorate item names with [[]] for example [[Xoph's Blood]]

Path of Building preview: If a pastebin link is posted in a chat the bot can see and is a valid pob pastebin, the bot will reply with a detailed preview.

Item Paste Conversion: If you copy an item from PoB or PoETradeMacro, and if you paste it in chat, the bot will convert it into the bot's image form. Needs Manage Messages to delete user's post

Permissions: The permissions required to function :-

Send Messages, Manage Messages, Embed Links, Read Message History,Attach Files, Add Reactions, Use External Emojis

To get help or more information on a specific command, use:

@Zana help <command name>

You can also join the semi-support server here

Read my messy code here and here

If you like my work and would like to help me, Ko-Fi/Paypal: Link

Patreon for server costs: Link

Dislike the font for stats in charinfo/PoB info?
I had to use it instead of discord's markdown formatting because of a bug in discord/electron regarding text formatting in embedded data.


characters - Get all characters on account.
buy - List the 3 lowest priced items with whisper and price info.
disable_conversion - Disable conversion of trademacro copied items to poe-style items, requires Administrator perms.
enable_conversion - Enable conversion of trademacro copied items to poe-style items, requires Administrator perms.
price - Calculate a fair price for an item in the most common listed currency.
help - Shows the possible help categories.
charinfo - Fetch character info for provided account and character.

Commands (cont.)

invite - Invite the bot.
disable_pastebin - Disable preview of posted pastebin links, requires Administrator perms.
enable_pastebin - Enable preview of posted pastebin links, requires Administrator perms.
roll - 'Divine' any Unique item and test your luck!

Contact me at Demo#7645 with any questions or suggestions
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Zana by visiting their support server or their website:

More Information on Zana

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